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"i was starting to think you weren't going to show up." y/n looked up at akaashi when he stood across the table from her. " but you're here, which means you got the note i left you." she slid the coffee cup over to him and stood up. "i wasn't sure if it would've gotten to you."

"giving a note to the workers with my name written in black ink across the envelope and then them just sticking it in front of the cash register. could you imagine my face when i saw an envelope with my name when i saw it?"

"probably the same face you'll make when my family squeezing you to death with hugs." y/n left a tip on the table before walking out the door with akaashi following behind her.

"should we stop and get pillows to put under my shirt?" akaashi reached forward to open the driver door for her before getting into the car himself.

"but it would ruin your perfectly good outfit." she put her coffee cup into the cup holder before turning the heater on.

akaashi looked down at his own outfit. the outfit that he spent thirty minutes on. the outfit that is the reason he threw his closet upside down to find the right match. the outfit that he called bokuto to confirm it was good before leaving.

it was a pair of nice pants with a button up shirt and a sweater vest. "does it look good?" he pulled on his vest a little and unbuttoned one button from his shirt.

"very good." y/n nodded and began to drive down the street. "you should've worn your glasses, they looked really good on you."

"they're my reading glasses." akaashi said, but opened up his bag. "but i bought them with me, yes." he looked over at y/n who's sunglasses were perched on top of her hand. "i like your sunglasses better."

"here." she handed him the sunglasses and opened up the small sunglasses compartment on the roof of the car to pull out the second pair.

"how many sunglasses do you have?" akaashi questioned while putting on the sunglasses.

"a lot."

the rest of the car ride was akaashi and y/n taking turn picking songs and asking each other questions about themselves so they could get to know each other better. the ride was filled with laugher, horrible singing from the both of them, talking about each other's writing and art, teasing (flirting, but neither of them realized), and comfortable silence before one of them broke it.

it wasn't until y/n stopped at a gas station twenty minutes away from the house did akaashi begin to get nervous.

"you can go in and get stuff." y/n kept the window rolled down to talk to him while she got gas. "just not too much because my mom and dad are going to spoil you with food."

"no, i'm okay. i'll wait for dinner." akaashi played with the end of his shirt and leaned his chin against the rolled down window to look up at y/n. she was leaning against the car next to his window and captured her sunglasses that he was wearing between her fingers. with the glasses now off his head, she ran her hand through his hair out of boredom and to style it.

he glanced up at her hand and then back at her, biting the inside of his cheek to hide his smile. "you can eat a small snack. dinner's not going to be ready until seven. it's four right now. mom and uncle kiyo love to go all out on cooking when there's a guest."

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