candy canes

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akaashi found himself sitting in the coffee shop the next day. the same table where they first met. the same table they always sat at.

while he sat there, he let himself wonder. did she ever come by when he was gone? he couldn't imagine her avoiding this place because of him.

the door opened and akaashi's eyes snapped up. it was like he had gone back in time to the second time they met.

y/n had her phone raised to her ear and she was speaking into it, looking a little frustrated. she was wearing a huge sweatshirt with a few paint splotches on the fabric. along with the sweatshirt were leggings and then sneakers that were low enough for him to catch sight of her socks.

one white with little frog faces and one rainbow.

a smile made its way to his face after seeing them. he was glad to see that she still didn't match her socks. she took a few more steps and her eyes landed on akaashi. this time, she simply walked past him and to the counter.

akaashi turned his head to look over his shoulder and saw her pause for a second before placing an order. she glanced back to him and looked away when she found that he was already looking.

he turned back around and away from her. would she just walk past him like he wasn't there? he probably deserved that, but there was a spark of hope that she would stay. he held onto that spark with everything he had.

the soft sound of the cup hitting the table made him look up. and there she was. he blinked up at her to make sure he wasn't just making this up. "hi." he blurted out.

"hi." she replied and glanced over at the empty chair that was across from him. akaashi didn't hesitate before using his foot to push it out for her. she hesitated before moving and sitting down in the seat.

"how are you?" he pulled the cup closer to him and took a sip to try and figure out what it was. hot chocolate. he should've known that.

"been better, but pretty okay." he straightened up when he heard that her answer wasn't one word.

"so.. how's your art doing?"

"it's good." she nodded and tapped her fingers against the top of the table. "really good. i got into a few more art shows and galleries. a few people bought them for a load of money too. i didn't think that my paintings were that money-making quality. i just hang them around in my room and the apartment, which annoys konoha to no end, and stare at them until i'm sick of it."

akaashi listened to every word she said without interruption. the sound of her voice, the way she could ramble on and on about something she was passionate about, the way she was still talking to him.

"that's good. that's really good." her eyes flashed over to him and he saw the excitement in her eyes fade away. and that felt like a punch to the gut.

"anyway, how's your writing? are you working on anything new?" y/n moved the topic away from her. "new book?"

"not really. maybe a little, but not as much as i used to." he confessed and took a drink of his hot chocolate.

"stuck in writer's block?"

"no." he watched as she traced the tip of her finger along the ridges of the wooden table. "just don't have anything to write about if i'm being honest."

she looked up from the table and into his eyes. he offered her a smile and she dropped her gaze back down. his own smile vanished and he tilted his head up to the ceiling.

"i mostly write about you when i do write." he didn't look away from the ceiling. "even when i don't write for weeks, i'll still write about you. from just a simple sentence in the margins of my notebooks, to full on letters, or even just a little journal entry. sometimes i just wonder to myself why is it always you that pops into my mind when i have news to tell or when i just want to talk to someone. and i find myself wanting someone to talk to more than anything these days."

sparks fly - k. akaashi Where stories live. Discover now