Chapter 3

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*Spencer's POV*

8:32 am

Garcia pointed the remote towards the screen and turned back to face the team, "This morning, at 5:30, in Time's Sqaure, New York, there was a bomb attack," she clicked the remote. "There were only two bodies found but the NYPD said the other victims would have either ran away in time, or..." She closed her eyes and hesitated, "been blown up. Witnesses have told the Police that there have been sitings of multiple limbs across the crime scene."

Everyone knows that Penelope abhorred talking about these type of things - she hated seeing people in pain. Jennifer decided to take over. JJ clicked the remote and two dead corpses appeared on the screen. "Abigail Parlo, 27, hotel receptionist, and Kyle Donahugh, 43, accountant, were the two people found dead at the crime scene."

Hotch reciprocated JJ, "Their arms crossed above their chest's is a sign of remorse."

"So this UnSub is bombing people but feeling guilty afterwards?" Prentiss asked.

"Maybe this UnSub is not actually intending to kill them, perhaps he is trying to bomb specifically one individual for revenge." Rossi acknowledged Prentiss' point.

"I agree with Rossi," said Morgan,"This UnSub is targeting this one person, but within doing so he is unintentionally killing others by mishap."

"Wheels up in 30."

As everyone left the round-table from, Morgan glanced at me.

"Hey, Pretty Boy," Derek looked worried. I felt guilty. I don't like feeling liable for making others feel disturbed or distraught. I also don't like being the center of attention.

"Yes, Morgan?"

"I know there is something wrong - sometimes you build up these walls and block us out - I can tell when you do this."

"What makes you think that?"

"When we were talking about the case, you never pitched in with one of Dr Reid's amazing boring facts," he suddenly changed from sarcastic to serious,"You can tell me anything, you know."

The world stopped for two seconds.

"I've been dreaming about Jonnie again." I said under my breath.

Morgan looked into my eyes, "Reid, I promise you that she is never coming back. If she does, I will make sure that the FBI, Scotland Yard and Pentagon find that son of a b*tch, and that's a promise." He put his hand on my shoulder.

I half smiled, awkwardly, "Thanks, Derek."

He walked out the room while I packed my books away into my messenger bag. Derek is my best friend; he's like my big brother.

Are my nightmares about Jonnie a sign?

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