Two Times The Fun Part 1

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Author's Note: This is a new mini story that I'm doing to go along with my friend Malvieshipper101 new mini story Mal and the Reindeer where her Mal and Evie meet mine. You should check it out on her page in her Mal & Evie Meet Little Mal & Evie One Shots and Short Stories book it's really good and it will make this less confusing. Anyway thank you to her for letting me use her version of Mal and Evie for this mini story. I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you all thought so far. Also this is posted in my Adventures Of Little Mal book but I decided to make a separate one instead. 💖

"Okay so this is probably going to be confusing with us both being Evie," The blue haired girl told the other version of her who just nodded. "Yeah no kidding. Oh I got it what if we called you Evie 1 since it's your house and we can call me Evie 2," the alternante Evie told the other girl who smiled. "Yeah that works," Evie 1 told Evie 2 who just nodded as she looked around the house seeing all the toys just laying around.

    "So you've been doing this whole parenting thing for two years now?" Evie 2 asked Evie 1 who just smiled as she looked down at the necklace that she was wearing. "Yeah and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I love being her mommy and look at this necklace, isn't it adorable," Evie 1 told the other version of herself.

      "Okay that is definitely cute! Did she make that?" The alternate version of Evie asked her look alike as she was starting to secretly feel jealous. She loved her life and she loved being Mal's best friend, but looking around this house was just making her feel something she didn't understand.

      "Yeah she did with the help of her friends. It was for Mother's Day. I almost never take it off. It's a reminder of how much she loves me," Evie 1 told her alternate who gave her a fake smile as she was just wanting to change this conversation.

    "Don't you ever miss just being I don't want to say free, but um you know what I mean right," Evie 2 told Evie 1 who just sighed as she had to admit she loved being Mal's mommy, but seeing the alternante older version of Mal was bringing back old memories. They were technically fake memories as none of it was technically true, but she would be lying if she said she didn't miss some of it.

     "I'll admit there's some days I wish I could just say screw it and just be a normal teen with no responsibilities, but I love her too much to do that. Plus if I ever did that my sisters would all four be all over that opportunity. What about you do you ever wish your Mal was little like mine," Evie 1 playfully told the other girl who just laughed.

     "Okay I'll admit she is absolutely adorable, but I love my best friend. And I've had some experience of it when she accidentally spelled herself as a child for a little bit. Let me tell you I love her but never again. Honestly, how do you do it?" The alternate Evie told the other version of her as she began to feel better remembering how much she had struggled looking after her best friend in child mode and that was for a few days.

    "Well to be honest Mal isn't that bad of a child. Don't get me wrong she's four, so she still has her tantrums and she still has her moments. Plus she is so accident prone and curious about everything, but behavior wise I wouldn't say she's that bad," Evie 1 told Evie 2 who just nodded as she started to feel that jealousy again.

    "What about like her powers because I swear her dragon powers killed me," Evie 2 told Evie 1 who just started laughing. "Oh that's hilarious! No actually um Mal doesn't have any powers at all. So yeah no dragon mode thank goodness for that," Evie 1 told Evie 2 who just looked at her in shock.

    "Wait really! Well then I could easily handle that," Evie 2 told Evie who just started laughing again. "You're cute," Evie 1 told Evie 2 who just rolled her eyes. "Hey I'm serious. The only reason I struggled was because my Mal can turn herself into a fire breathing dragon for crying out loud," Evie 2 told Evie 1 who just laughed again as she got an idea.

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