Love At First Site

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Kurapika accepted a hunting assignment on the island where Leorio lives. The hunter in charge of the assignment is having trouble giving Kurapika the details of the assignment. Kurapika is frustrated and is questioning why he took the job in the first place.

Leorio invited Kurapika to live with him. They had a big argument the night before so Kurapika is meeting him at the hospital to apologize for his behavior. Leorio is working on the pediatric unit and agrees to meet Kurapika downstairs in the dining room.

Kurapika decides to make a phone call while he waits for Leorio. He immediately starts to argue with the person who picks up the phone.

"Listen...I do not have time for this! I'd appreciate it if you actually did your job. Call me back when you have all of the details."

Kurapika ends his call and looks around. People are staring at him. He feels embarrassed for being too loud on the phone. He sits down at one of the tables to wait for Leorio.

Leorio scowls at Kurapika as soon as he sees him. He sits down in front of him.

"Why did you insist on meeting me here, Kurapika? I'm working now...I don't have time to listen to your nonsense!"
"Calm down, Leorio. I am simply here to apologize. I'm sorry for taking my frustration out on you."

Leorio quickly changes his expression. He is surprised that Kurapika is apologizing.

"Oh...ummm...damn right!" exclaims Leorio while pointing at Kurapika.
"You invited me into your home. I had no right to yell at you the way I did. I'm embarrassed." says Kurapika with his eyes closed.
"Ummm...don't worry about it. I know you are having trouble with your new assignment. Have they told you anything else?"
"No! I'm supposed to start in two weeks and I have no idea where to even meet my new boss!" screams Kurapika. People stare at him again.
"It will work out. For now, try to enjoy yourself. This island is really beautiful." Leorio tries to calm his best friend down.
"I don't have time for that." says Kurapika.
"It sounds like you do. Look...I should be ending my shift at seven tonight. Let me take you out."
"We'll see." says Kurapika as he gets up from his seat. "I'm going to get a green tea. Would you like something?"
"Nah...I have my coffee upstairs." answers Leorio.

Kurapika stands in front of the vending machine and waits for his green tea. He takes it out and immediately drops it on the floor, breaking the glass bottle.

"Dammit!" he exclaims as he attempts to pick up the broken glass.

A few seconds later, a petite woman places her hand on Kurapika's shoulder.

"It's okay...allow me to help you." she says with a big smile on her face.

Kurapika turns around to face the woman. His eyes widened as he noticed how beautiful she was.

"Th...thank you." says Kurapika as he stands up.
"You're welcome." says the woman while she cleans up the mess.
" careful. I would hate for you to get cut by the glass." says Kurapika.
"Don't you worry." she says.

Kurapika watches as the woman cleans up the spill. She has soft brown hair that is tied up in a messy bun. She is wearing scrubs.

She must work here.

The woman stands up and inserts money into the vending machine. She hands Kurapika a green tea.

"Here you go!" exclaims the beautiful woman.
"Uh...thank you." says Kurapika as he looks into her big brown eyes.
"It's no problem." she says with a smile.

Kurapika's eyes move down and focuses on her name badge.

Kohana, RN...Pediatrics

She shakes Kurapika's hand and walks away. Kurapika stares at the green tea in his hand. He slowly walks back to where Leorio is sitting.

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