Chapter 5- Dating The Queen

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Part of me is still processing all of this.

It's been a week since me and Ramona talked about her being a vampire, and it took me a little while to realize that this isn't a product of me hitting my head too hard. It's real.

It's also difficult to believe that a divine force has paired me with the goddess-like beauty.

I mean I know I'm not ugly. But me? A normal, uninteresting human? Paired with the literal vampire Queen? How the hell does that happen? How did manage a Nat 20 on luck? I can barely average a seven!

Despite my confusion on that front, which Ramona finds hilarious, things have gone well.

After my friends healed up, and I convinced them that we should take a break from the paranormal investigation, considering what we recently experienced, they returned home. From what I gathered from them, and from what Ramona overheard, they've decided to disband the group for the foreseeable future. It was more dangerous than they were expecting, and they were concerned it was more risk than it was worth.

Basically, it scared the shit out of them.

I understand though, especially after Ramona explained what that thing was. Shades, just the name gives me the creeps. I was literally seconds from death when she intervened, and so were my friends. So, knowing that they aren't going to go out looking for the scary shit anymore is a relief, and I'm glad they were kept in the dark about everything else, they're better off not knowing they were about to die. The nightmares are going to be bad enough, I should know.

As for me, I remain in the rental home on Galaway Bay, at least for a little while. We all helped pay for two weeks of rental up front, and I have a couple of weeks left of time off from work, so I decided to stay for the rest of the time I have the place, which works out well, since Ramona lives near the cliffs of Moher.

Honestly her living nearby is the only reason I'm here, since the woods we were exploring are right between the bay and the cliffs. If she had been any farther away, no matter her speed, she wouldn't have gotten to me in time.

That, and her friend Kira.

She's told me about her a bit since we started talking and spending time together. She's something called a Seer, which apparently is a person given the ability of premonition, or future vision. It's her gift that let Ramona know I was in danger, and got her to me. It's probably the first time I've ever truly been grateful for someone I haven't met personally, but I do look forward to meeting her. Ramona talks highly of her, describing her as not just her unofficial right hand but as a dear friend.

I suppose it's only a matter of time, considering how things are going with us.

Ramona and I have been going on dates ever since I left the hospital, and each time we part the ache to be near her grows stronger. It's a little scary to be affected by someone's absence this much, but the feelings I get when I'm with her are just as powerful, and alleviate the fear.

I've never felt this way with another woman, especially not this fast. Maybe it's the difference between a simple crush, and actually being in-

Oh, oh shit.

The sound of my phone going off pulls me out of my thoughts, and I roll over in bed to grab it off my nightstand. I smile as I see her name on message, unlocking to reply.

~Good morning Love.

Christ, I get butterflies every time she calls me that.

~Good morning, I thought you had a really late night?

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