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authors note: there are cobra kai 4x08 spoilers in this btw

it was monday. the day went by quickly for hope. josie on the other hand, she had been stressing about how she was going to ask hope to the dance. all throughout spanish class she was playing with her rings. it was what she did whenever she was nervous about something. lizzie noticed and siphoned the table to do a spell.

"what's wrong" she wrote on her paper and watched it appear on josie's and then disappear. they were sitting right next to each other but she didn't want to risk getting in trouble for using her phone.

"you're playing with your rings"

josie saw the messages and responded quickly: "nothings wrong pay attention to class, you're already failing 3"

"well clearly something's wrong and as your big sister it is my duty to figure out what"

josie glanced at lizzie before responding "i'm just nervous on how to ask hope to the dance. what if she says no?"

"she won't say no"

josie went back to playing with her rings and a few seconds later another message from lizzie was on her paper.

"wanna play name it to take your mind off of it"

'name it' was a game they had made when they were younger. one would draw a creature or something and the other would give it a name. it worked really well when lizzie was younger and would act out.

josie knew she didn't have a choice and lizzie would make her play anyway. she drew a creature and lizzie named it frankie.

it was lizzie's turn to draw, she drew a dinosaur and josie named it shelton

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it was lizzie's turn to draw, she drew a dinosaur and josie named it shelton.

they did this for the rest of class and before josie knew it hope wasn't on her mind anymore

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they did this for the rest of class and before josie knew it hope wasn't on her mind anymore. the bell rang and the girls packed up their stuff. lizzie rushed out saying she had to tell MG something. josie's phone buzzed and she saw a text from hope. her whole face lit up




hope, lizzie, and josie always watched cobra kai together, not that it was very good but just because it was fun.

josie hurried back to her room. "we're going to hopes room"


"the new cobra kai episodes duh. are you coming or not?"

"is that even a QUESTION?" lizzie jumped up from her bed and the two headed to hopes room.

once they had finished a bunch of cobra kai episodes, they started arguing about who was better, tory or sam.

"tory is OBVIOUSLY better" lizzie said.

hope agreed.

"oh yeah and whys that?" josie raised an eyebrow.

hope had so many reasons but decided to dial it down to three. "well for starters, she's so badass. two, she's hot. three, tory is a pretty name and sam is just a basic white girl name. it's like elizabeth, basic."

"exCUSE YOU?" lizzie was fuming.

"i said what i said" hope threw some popcorn at lizzie and lizzie smacked it back at her.

"okay well i still think sam is better," josie honestly didn't really care she just thought it was funny and kinda hot when hope was defensive.

landon busted through the door, "oh my god, i love you girls but everyone can hear you, it's 11pm please shush"

"someone get this thrift store hobbit out of the room before i take him and throw him into mordor my self," lizzie shut the door with the wave of her hand and hope heard landon walk away.

"okay hes gone. now josie, tell us why you think tiny little sam is better than tory," josies stomach immediately filled with butterflies the second hope said her name.

"i don't know i just think she's better" josie answered. not even realizing it, hope had snuggled up closer to josie and heard josie's heart rate jump up.

"what's wrong?" hope looked up at josie.

ofcourse josie wasnt going to say it was hope who made her panic. "nothing it's fine, i just thought i saw something. you know when you think you see a shadow but there's nothing there?"

"yes dear god it happened to me in history today" lizzie was eyeing josie with a *oooo u like hope* type of look.

they watched another episode, they were now on the episode where the kids go to prom (episode 8). halfway through the scene of tory and robby dancing, lizzie gave josie the eye again. josie knew what lizzie wanted her to do. she wanted her to ask hope to the dance. josie shook her head slightly. lizzie was not going to take no as an answer and kept eyeing her throughout the scene.

josie clicked the spacebar on hopes laptop and paused the show. she looked down at hope who now had her head on josie's chest and was grabbing onto her arm. "so, uhm. since we're kinda of on the topic of school dances... hope, i was wondering if you'd wanna be my date to the dance on friday? in the least homo way of-course, just as friends?"

"i'd love to" replied hope.

"okay, cool" josie felt a weight lift off her shoulders.

they ended up staying up till 12 watching cobra kai, they had completely forgotten about curfew when caroline walked in. "girls it's 12am, curfew is at 11:30 what are you doing up?"

"cobra kai" they all answered.

caroline let it slide, after all it was a tradition. "okay well be back in your room at 1 please." lizzie and josie nodded and caroline left.

authors note: did y'all see what i did with hopes contact name 🤗🤗 yeah ik im hilarious *hair flip*
also what do u guys think of frankie and shelton

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