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they had been in the car for an hour when the fun really started. they had 7 hours left until they would arrive in vermont and they had decided to stop at dunkin' donuts for breakfast. as they were headed back to the car, hope tripped, dumping her coffee on lizzie's back.

"hope. andrea. mikaelson," she slowly turned around, "did you just do what i think you did?" lizzie said sassily.

"lizzie, i didn't mean to." hope countered and then offered her shirt to lizzie.

"so then you're just going to be naked the rest of the trip? no thank you," lizzie scoffed.

"no idiot, i have a sweatshirt on i'll just wear that."

after the little incident at dunkin' donuts, hope was fast asleep on josie shoulder (sleeping off the headache), lizzie was asleep on hopes shoulder, and josie was asleep against the door. alarics gps lead them down this weird road since there was a huge traffic jam on the highway, they had been on the road for a few minutes when a deer jumped infront of the car. alaric slammed the breaks, causing everyone to jolt foward and the girls to all wake up screaming.

"sorry guys, i didn't want to hit the deer," started alaric.

"what deer?" hope asked, still half asleep and looking ahead and seeing that there was nothing.

"the deer. the deer that was right there," alaric stared blankly at the spot where he swore was a deer.

just then there was a thump behind the car. "dr. saltzman, that's no deer," kaleb said as he turned around to see out the back.

"what do you mea..."

standing behind the car was a gigantic moose. before any of them could register it, the moose was charging at them. alaric slammed on the gas pedal and they zipped down the road, the moose right on their heels.


"YEAH. NO SHIT!" hope replied.

"language!" alaric chimed in.

they made it out of the weird road and back onto the highway, the moose had stopped chasing them and they had all calmed down.

"woot! road trip!" kaleb exclaimed, still traumatized.

they had 5 hours left now.

"i think i'm-" josie leaned forward clutching her chest.

hope tried to avoid it but couldn't, josie threw up on hope. shocked, lizzie and hope screamed, causing the boys in the back to wake up. "SHUT UP" MG yelled.

"SHE JUST BARFED ALL OVER ME I AM NOT SHUTTING UP" hope yelled back in disgust.

"GUYS! we are gonna be in this classic automobile for 5 more hours. no fighting." alaric said.

caroline sighed, "god help us all."

josie threw up once more but made it in the bag the second time.

somewhere along the way lizzie had obtained the aux and was playing "hips don't lie" and singing her heart out. soon enough the whole car was singing, that was until lizzie's phone died. MG then took over the aux, he took requests and the singing resumed.

the whole car, except for caroline (who was now driving), hope, and josie was alseep. hope was texting landon and pretending to be totally into him, when she realized josie was shaking.

"you okay?" hope whispered.

"yeah, just scared. i don't like ski mountains. they scare me a little, like what if there's an avalanche while we fight the yeti?" josie explained.

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