Unwanted Guests

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Before the chapter- usually I do this at the end- but I got a lot of fan art these past two days and I am very happy for it! I decided I will post the fan-art for the book they are for- this art is for My Inner Code so it will be here-
Thank you Darksteve_22 ^^
I felt something cold around my wrist. It woke me up from my sleep. I was laying against the cold wall and memories of last night blurred together, My head was pounding like something metal hit it. I think I heard something and went to see what it was, then everything went dark.

Looking around I can see I am in a cave.The walls are dark and cold, but are dry and rough. I could see the silver bars in the dark in front of me. I was in some form of a cell in a completely natural cave. A makeshift base. I got up to my feet hearing the chatting sounds of the chain. I looked down to the ground to see chains attached to my wrist and ankles. My movement limit was close to the silver bars in front of me, but nowhere close enough to have my fingers even graze them. I sighed and stepped away from the bars so I could relax my arms and legs. I looked around the room to see that someone else was in the room with me.

"Time! Time wake up!" I made my way to him, but the chains wouldn't let me reach him. I could get close to him, but not close enough to touch him. He was also chained, but the chains were different. They are probably chains for steves to attempt to stop them from using their abilities. I looked around the room to see if I could use anything to help him wake up, but the room was empty. I also had nothing in my inventory. The only thing I had was my necklace. I could use that to wake him up, but I worry about it breaking. Then again with everything it has gone through I highly doubt it would break.

I stepped back far enough for me to take off my necklace. I threw it at Time and it hit the side of his mask and fell onto his lap. It woke him up. He shifted a bit and picked up my necklace taking a second to wake up fully. Once he was awake he looked at me.

"Sabre! Are you okay?! When I woke up I heard some noises then found you unciousous on the ground being dragged away-" He started to ramble trying to to think of what he saw.

"I'm fine. Just a bit of a headache. I'll be okay Time. Are you okay?" I asked, getting as close as I could to him, the chains tugging at my limbs. He gets up seeming to have a bit of a struggle to stand.

"A little dizzy." He held his head, the chatter of the chains now almost as loud as his voice. What did- well whoever took us here, do to him?

"Sit down Time and give yourself some time to adjust." I sat down next to him as he slowly sat back down. He moved himself close enough to me where he could lay on me. I let him lay his head on my shoulder. He had to slouch quite a bit in order to have his head rest on my shoulder perfectly from how tall he was. "Feel any better?"

"A little. I'm sorry I tried to stop them, but they got to me before I could even call out your name."

"It's okay, It's not your fault. Did you see who it was?" I asked hoping to get some information about who took us. Time might have only been taken because he saw them.

"Red... I think they were a Red Steve?" Time questions to himself. I pat his head.

"It's okay if you don't remember Time. I just wanted to know." I comforted him a bit knowing he might be upset. Time looks at me.

"Thanks Sabre. I think Galaxy and Illusion will be able to come and save us soon if we can't get out."

"They probably will. They are overprotective of you."

"I know, it's kind of nice." Time picks up my necklace and puts it back around my neck. I smiled.

"Thank you." I think Time was smiling back to me, but I may never know. A staggering pain starting from my eyes ran through my body causing my breath to hitch and my bad habit of squeezing my wrist to help with the sudden burst of pain I felt.

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