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You whistle as you skip through a park with your hands behind your head

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You whistle as you skip through a park with your hands behind your head.

"Oh my god! that's one of the number three heroes! her and her brother are so hot!' a girl squeals with a bright pink blush.

You grin and wink at her, making her face ten times more red.

Your wings were at their full wingspan, dragging behind you slightly.

Unlike your brother, you weren't able to make your wings super small, they were either at their full length or just slightly smaller.

It was a bit of a disadvantage, but nothing you couldn't handle.

In the corner of your eye, you see a male running through an alleyway, rather suspiciously.

You narrow your eyes and turn to the two girls, "Well, i'll be off!' you grin and fly off towards the alley.

You narrow your eyes and turn to the two girls, "Well, i'll be off!' you grin and fly off towards the alley

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You step into the oddly dark alley.

Your eyes surveying each and every corner

Hearing footsteps around the corner you speed-walk over there, being greeted by two middle-aged men.

One throws a punch at you, to which you quickly dodge to the side, kicking the other one in the legs, knocking him down.

"Get ready to die, bird" one of the male grins before activating his quirk.

A portal appears beneath you, and before you can take off, you fall through.

The portal closes on top of you, "dammit!"

You try and fly, only for your wings not to work.

"Damn, seems like you can't use quirks in here"

You turn to your stomach, trying to look at your surroundings.

You sigh, pitch black was all you can see.

You cross your arms behind your head and close your eyes.

Suddenly, a bright light encases you, causing you to snap your eyes open

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Suddenly, a bright light encases you, causing you to snap your eyes open.

'What the hell's happening?'

You're spurted out of the portal and face first into a mound of snow.

You groan as you sit up, now noticing the three other people.

One had burgundy hair and a scar on his forehead, and he was holding a girl with dark brown to orange hair and had a muzzle in her mouth, and the other guy had dark blueish hair and was holding a katana.

You sweat-drop, "Uh, Yo dawg" You hold up a peace sign.

words ; 435

date posted ; 14/01/22


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