My little wife

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Yandere!Satoru x Reader

I don't know wtf is wrong with me loving yanderes even though they all are red flags.💀💀💀

I hope you guys are doing fine! :)

*:..。o○ ○o。..:**:..。o○ ○o。..:*

You met him when he visited your bakery.

He visited you bakery almost everyday.Of course you know him.
Your brother is a sorcerer so sometimes he tells you story about his work and his partners.

And one of them is him,Satoru Gojo.
The strongest sorcerer. You never actually met him in person so when he visited your bakery for the first time,you were quite surprised when he introduced himself.

"Hello there.You must be (y/n),right?
Your brother spoke your name everyday."

"Now come to think of it,you are really beautiful,(y/n)~"

You would came to your bakery,buying the sweets and sometimes having small talk with you.
He loves giving you compliments like,
how delicious the sweets are and how you are so beautiful.

You couldn't helped but blushed every time Satoru praised you.Not every day you could see someone praising you.
You always acted shy around him, because he would flirt or tell you jokes. Sometimes he's really annoying but you enjoyed his company.

Satoru really loves it when he sees your blushing face because of his compliments toward you. Seeing your smiling face every day makes him happy and warm inside.

He want to have that smile all for himself only...

Oh,having you by his side,it would be dream come true...

It won't took long until he suddenly became infuated toward you. His mind won't be at ease without having you leaving his thoughts. His obsession toward you grew more and more stronger everytime you hang out with him.

You didn't realised it yet, considering that the strongest sorcerer always acted goofy and childish around everyone,it's hard to see if he's really suspicious or not.

He often would flirt with you when your brother was not around. When you were on break,he would ditched his work just to see and having lunch with you.

You two would laugh together,eating lunch together. He cherished all of those your sweets moments together.
Seeing you pay attention and smile at him and only him...

Ah,he couldn't describe how happy he was. It feels like he were in heaven.

"Gojo,you are really funny.I wish we could see each other more often."
You said,smiling at him.

'Oh,yes.We will,sweetheart.Until you finally become mine~'he thought.

"Are you gonna come to the bakery tomorrow?Like you always do?"

"Of course,(y/n)! I will always come,
to see you..." He muttered the last part. Leaving you blinking your (e/c) eyes,confused what he was saying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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