chapter 1- promise

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The clouds were all grey matching the gloomy sky, it looked like there was a chance of raining today so Jungkook decided to stay home. It was Saturday so he didn't have school, Jungkook was looking at his phone bored wondering what he could do

When suddenly someone slammed his door open, he looked up and recognized the boy "hey tae-" he cut off his sentence when he realized the boy was crying, Taehyung collapsed on the floor and Jungkook quickly threw his phone on the bed and went to him

"What happened Tae bear?" Jungkook asked concerned but Taehyung just started shaking more and sobbing out words That he couldn't understand

"Tae I need you to calm down, ok, I cant understand you of you keep crying" Jungkook said and Taehyung looked at him with pulls of tears in his eyes.

Jungkook and Taehyung have been friends since they where children, you see they were from a small town in Daegu so they did everything together, go to school, play in the playground, Taehyung has always been a mentally strong person, he was always cheerful and made Jungkook's day. So when he saw his best friend shaking and sobbing in his arms he knew something horrible had happened

"H-h-he ch-chea-cheated" Taehyung said in between sobs, since it was Saturday Taehyung had decided to surprise his boyfriend, he got all dressed up and went to buy some snacks for them, so they could watch a movie and cuddle

He was so excited he was smiling the whole ride when he got there he opened the door since he had an extra key to the apartment. He's boyfriend was not there so he guessed that he was in his room, he put all the stuff down on the table and hurried to the bed room

He widened his eyes when he saw him on top of a girl naked, Taehyungs eyes got teary "J-Jinyoung" he managed to let out while trying to hold in his sobs
JInyoung turned around and he widened his eyes when he noticed Taehyung "its not what it looks like!" Jinyoung said but Taehyung just ran out of the room letting his sobs out
He got in his car and locked it, he just sat there crying wondering what he did to deserve being treated like that, "was I not good enough, why did he cheat" Taehyung said between his sobs

One hour passed and he decided to go to the only person that could console him... Jungkook

"tell me exactly what happened" Jungkook asked with a mad but concerned tone. After Taehyung explained every thing Jungkook wanted to kill Jinyoung. he never liked Taehyungs boyfriend he never though Jinyoung was good enough for his best friend

"why Jungkook, why did this happen to me, what did I do wrong!?" Taehyung sobbed and Jungkook just hugged him. He knew that Taehyung just needed someone to be with him and comfort him

"I've always been a good boyfriend, never did anything wrong, always obeyed him" Tae said and Jungkook tightened his hold on him. Jungkook was pissed but controlled it for him best friend

"F-first my parents and then this, what did I do to deserve this suffering" Taehyung sobbed even harder if that was even possible.

Taehyungs parents loved him very much as Taehyung loved them, you could say that they were a perfect family, they were really hard working but still made time for Taehyung which he appreciated very much

1 Years ago they had to go on a business trip sadly something tragic happened and they didn't make it back, Taehyung waited for one months, he tried to call them several time in that period of days, no one ever picked up, the three months passed and he grew worried so he called the police

No one had seen them In weeks turns out they didn't even show up to the meetings which wasn't like them so they opened a missing persons report on his parents. A month passed since the police officers started there search, they never found a trace of Taehyungs parents so they just closed the case, they assumed the had died or went to another Country

Taehyung was furious, he knew something had happened to his parents it wouldn't be like them to leave him alone, luckily Jungkook was by his side every step of the way

"shhh, hey you got me I will never leave you" Jungkook said and gave him a kiss on the forehead, Jungkook lead Tae to the bed and he let Taehyung lay on top of him

"I will never find someone who will love me" Tae said holding back his tears

"Tae bear you are the happiest and friendliest person I have ever met and may I say you are beautiful inside and out so don't say that, he is a idiot for doing that to you" Taehyung got flustered at what Jungkook said and hid his face on the crook of Jungkook's neck

Jungkook chuckled at Tae's action and started petting Taehyungs hair, they staid like that for a while not exchanging a single word just enjoying each others embrace, a few minutes passed and Taehyung started to get sleepy from all of the crying

"Wanna sleep?" Jungkook asked noticing how Taehyung was struggling to keep his eyes opened, he nodded and they both stayed in the same position, Jungkook raped his arms around Tae's waist so he wouldn't fall "night" they both said to each other and fell asleep
Two hours passed and Jungkook started to wake up, he really couldn't sleep the only thing going on in his mind is that bastard Jinyoung, oh how he wanted to beat him up for what he did to Taehyung

He zoned out for a while when he heard his door bell ring he gently placed Tae on the bed and went to open the door, when he saw who it was his blood started to bubble

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Jungkook said with a intimidating stare.
Jungkook had a super buff body, abs and everything in school he is known as the hot guy he had raven black hair and piercing eyes, Jungkook didn't like the attention but I mean what could he do

"Is Taehyung here?" Jinyoung said and Jungkook scoffed he really thought Jungkook was going to let him talk to his best friend after what he did to him
"why do you care" Jungkook said and Jinyoung tried to get passed Jungkook and into the house, he was way more stronger that Jinyoung so he was able to push him back

"let me talk to him Jungkook, I need to explain" Jungkook got even more mad if it was possible the worst thing is Jinyoung was serious

"Explained what that you fucked a women while you are in a relationship with Taehyung!!" Jungkook screamed and then he saw Jinyoung's eyes widen he turned around and it was Tae

"Jungkook is right you have nothing to explain, its over Jinyoung" Taehyung said and signaled to Jungkook to slam the door closed

"Tae-" Jinyoung got caught of by the door slamming in his face he continued to yell but they ignored him until he gave up and left. Jungkook saw that Taehyung was shaking so he led them to the couch

Jungkook sat down and Taehyung sat on his lap, he rapped his arms around Tae's waist and put his chin on his shoulder while Taehyung leaned back

"Kook what if I never find someone who loves me and stay alone forever" Taehyung said and Jungkook staid quiet

"That will never happen" Jungkook said and they just stared at each other

"how are you so sure?" Tae asked and broke the eye contact and started fiddling with Jungkook's fingers

"lets make a promise to each other, if neither of us is married by the age of 30 we will marry each other" Jungkook said and Taehyung widened his eyes, he wasn't expecting for Jungkook to say that, but he really loves Jungkook as a friend how bad could it be to marry him so Taehyung agreed

"I promise"

They both smiled at each other. It started raining so they put a movie on and cuddled the whole day. Oh but Taehyung didn't know what he was getting into, he may had agreed now but in the future he may regret it

Author-nim: hello my beautiful reader-nims I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Promise, remember if would like to see something in the book fell free to comment or message me, I hope you stay safe, and have a great day/night💞
I purple you💜

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