♤ Chaos ♤

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"Y/n!" Techno was about to run to you when Morgan pointed his sword at you

"Stay where you are or she'll be headless in a second" Morgan threatened Techno making him freeze on where he stands.  Techno gritted his teeth

"What do you want Morgan?!"-Henry

Morgan laughed like a maniac
"What do I want? WHAT DO I WANT?! I WANT YOU ALL DEAD! But I'm not killing you just yet. First I wanted to show you what I'll do with your precious Y/n" Morgan pulled out something from his pocket

A potion. Not just any type of potion, but it has an unusual color in it.
"This my friends is my own creation. A creation that I will use on your precious daughter"

Morgan's daughter stand close to her father. Waiting for the right time to proceed with the plan. She just needed to know what the potion will do

"What is that?!" Sarah yelled

"This potion will make your dear Y/n forget everything about you ALL!" He laughed. "And once she forgets all of you- then I'll kill you all. So that you can see her reaction when I do it" Morgan was about to open the potion- seconds before it came flying into mid air being caught by her daughter

Morgan glared at his own daughter. "Come back down here dear, and give me the potion"

"Lets end it dad! Lets end everything here! You won't acomplish anything even if you succeed with this plan!"

"You little! Get her!" Morgan ordered his men as chaos started now. The other royalties took this opportunity to join the fight as they pull out their swords and fight Morgan's goons

"Argh!" Morgan was pissed "get the girl" He commanded. You were once again was picked up by Morgan's men as they exits the ballroom.

"Y/n!" Techno was about to follow when Dream threw him a bow with arrows. Techno smiled at Dream as he follow Morgan while the fight continues inside the ballroom.

Techno runs as fast as he could and soon catch up with Morgan and his men. He pulled out his bow and was able to take down almost half of Morgan's men. Techno shoots another bow and it took down the men that was carrying you. Morgan angrily pulled out his sword and picked you up from the ground

"Stop right there!" Morgan shouts. He pointed the sword once again making Techno stop
"Don't take another step or I'll-"

"Let Y/n go or I'll destroy this potion you worked hard with!" Another voice was heard. Morgan looked up and saw her daughter, about to break the potion he made.

Morgan lowered his sword a bit.
"My dear dear daughter. Why don't you give me the potion then I won't punish you hmm?"

She walked beside Techno without looking away from her father.
"Or you let Y/n go and I'll give you this potion that you've worked on for years"

Morgan laughs
"You can destroy that potion I don't give a damn! You think I didn't make more?!"

"More? I don't think you forget dad how you trained me to be like this. I already got rid of those. This?" She raised the potion and shaked it
"This is all you've got now. So release Y/n or I'll break this right in front of you"

Morgan is furious. His hand gripped his sword tighter and raised it up to your neck

She looked at her father without any expression and looked at you. She rolled her eyes and walked slowly towards her father
Techno was also puzzled.

Morgan's daughter was about to give the potion when she turned around and threw it to Techno

Techno immediately catch it. Morgan's daughter then punched her dad in the face as they start a fight- letting go of you. Techno kept the bottle of potion onto his pocket as he rush to save you while Morgan and his daughter engage ito a fight

Techno was about yo reach to you when Morgan sees him
"ENOUGH!" He stabbed his daughter on her arm and kicked her onto the ground.
Before Techno could reach you.. Morgan- threw a dagger onto your body- hitting you on your chest.

Techno stopped- he looked over to Morgan- but before he could kill him. His daughter stood up and hits Morgan at the back of his head- making him fall down.
Soon guards came

Techno runs as fast as he could to you and checked where the dagger hits you. His eyes glows red when he saw it, Morgan successfully stabbed you in your heart.
"Y/n! Y/n!" He ripped off your clothes and tried to check if you're still breathing

Soon, other royalties came and saw what happened. Techno hugged your dead body as he tries hard to keep himself from crying. He caresed your hair as he hugs you

Henry, Beatrice and Sarah rushed towards Techno- and falls when they see you dead on the ground.

Morgan's daughter walks close but was stopped when Beatrice faced her
"Stop right there! You're one of the reason why my daughter is dead!"

She stood right there as Beatrice asked her to
Techno pulled out the potion and threw it to Morgan's daughter
"Get rid of it"

Tommy and Wilbur also came to the scene and saw you dead. Wilbur looked over to Morgan's daughter- as she stares at the potion. She kept it on her inventory and looked at the Andersons


Before she could finish, Morgan then wakes up- grabbing the potion from his daughter...

"This isn't the END! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!" He charged at the Anderson as he-

To be continued...

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