♤The Fall♤

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Morgan charged at the Andersons and was planning to splash the potion to all of them.. Techno gritted his teeth as he pulled up his sword and was about to stab and kill Morgan when his daughter stopped Techno and stepped in front. Morgan threw the potion but his daughter blocked his way and the potion fell onto the ground. It creates a small smoke. She then hits Morgan onto his face and an arrow came flying towards Morgan.

Hitting him on his back making him fall on the ground.
His daughter then finished him as she, kicked his own father in his face. She stood there- couldn't believe what she just did...

Guards soon came and picked up Morgan

"Lock him up" Philza commanded as the guards bring Morgan to jail

Morgan's daughter coughed as she tries to stand up- but then Wilbur caught her.
"Wil you don't have to-"

"Shut up and let me" Wilbur helps her up as Anders and Techno grief for your death. Techno's eyes glowed red in rage- voices screaming in his head to kill Morgan

"Y/n's not dead" Morgan's daughter muttered out. Loud enough for them to hear

"How can you say she's not dead?! Does she looks like breathing to you?!" Tommy blurted out

"That person is dead. But that's not Y/n" She said. All of them looked at the dead body
"I made that person drink the same potion as I did. I kept Y/n safe and exchanged that person before my father's henchman capture her from Dream's castle"

Techno immediately stood up, his eyes still glowing

"Where is she then? Where's Y/n?"

"Your room?"


As planned- Morgan's daughter switched you with a different person before leaving Dream's castle so that Morgan's men will capture a different person. You two have to act quick since she'll have to go back to Dream's castle because she's the one that has to be there.

You two sneaked in to Antartic Empire through an underground tunnel that leads inside.

"Okay after this what's the plan?" You asked

"The plan is simple. You just have to stay put until everything is finished"

"Where will I hide then?" You asked


"And this is the safest place?! Seriously?!"

"Why not?!"

You two have successfully sneaked inside the castle, inside Techno's room.

"Of all places! Here?"

"Why not?! Aren't you two lovers or something?"


"Ugh! Even so- you'll be safe here kay? Lock the windows and the door for extra safety. But I'm 100% sure that you're safe here. Once all is over someone will pick you up from here okay?!" You were about to ask another question when she- jumped off the balcony


You walked back and forth inside Techno's room. Thinking, worrying, waiting for an update. You haven't heard anything for the past few hours and you're starting to get impatient.
Thinking- what if something happened to your family? Or to the king- or to .. Techno?

You stopped pacing around and has decided
"I'm going to check on them!" You carry your gown and was about to leave the room when it suddenly opened- revealing a panting Techno in front of you.

Your eyes widened and was a bit surprised to see Techno- before you could even react.. Techno rushed to you as he hugs you tightly in his
"Y/n... you're safe... you're safe...."

"I.. am.." you mumbled and hugged him back. It feels nice- you wanted to cry, you wanted to hold him tighter..
He pulled back and stared at you and checked you-

Soon enough- your family also came. Sarah immediately runs towards you
"Y/n! You're alive!" She cried. Your mother and father also hugged you tight- with tears in their eyes

"My dear- my dear daughter"

You were a bit confused because there's also Philza, Wilbur, Tommy, Dream and others were at the doorstep.. happy to see you
"Uh.. what's going on?" You asked

Tommy walked up to you and patted your shoulder
"We're just happy you're alive.. after all this night is- OUCH!" Before he could even finish his sentence, Wilbur stepped on his feet

You also noticed one more familiar face, Morgan's daughter.
You pulled away from everyone and walked towards her
"What.. happened?"

She smiled

"Its all over Y/n. And- Your family didn't take any damage or effect from the potiob" she shook her head a bit trying to maintain her balance

"Are you okay?" You asked

"Yeah- I'm.. good" she looked up and looked at the king
"What will happen to my father? And aren't you gonna lock me up too?"

Philza stared at her then shifted his gaze to his eldest son.
"Your father will be locked up in a maximum security cell inside Poseidon's vault. He will be having a life sentence for all of the crimes he committed"

"And me?" She asked

Philza only smiled as he walks away, Wilbur then walked towards her
"You're a victim of your dad.. you're free to do what you want"

All stared at Wilbur and Morgan's daughter
Tommy then cleared his throat
"Enough with this bullshit! Lets go and continue!" 

All cheered as they walked back to the ballroom- but it striked you. Morgan's daughter told you something about the potion..

What happened to it?

All of the people including your family was about to walk back into the ballroom when Techno pulled you back in his room and shut the door.

You looked up at him confused

He stared at you for a bit before-

Kissing you passionately on your lips...

He pulled away and smiled at you

You softly pushed Techno away- as much as you wanted to kiss him some more and hug him.. you still wanted to know whats this all about.

"Techno lets stop right here and lets talk"

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