Chapter One: That's What You Get For Being So Nosy

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This is my first story here on Wattpad so please, people, don't judge. And I apologize for the short chapters ahead.
Story dedicated to my bestie, Kaicy0716, for being there with me in writing this story. Enjoy! ;)

It's my typical Friday afternoon, just finished doing my homework at the library. I usually do my homework at school so I'll be stress free at night. Looking at my watch, it was already 5:45 pm. Geez, what are those two doing anyway? Oops! Silly me, I forgot to introduce myself. The name is Rica Hughes. You can call me anything you want, as long it's related to my name though. So judging from what I said earlier about my homework and stuff, you could totally guess I'm a nerd. If you guessed right, you win a cookie! But I'm not the typical nerd who wears goofy glasses and some other typical shit. Nope. I'm something different. I dress normally and I don't wear glasses. But unfortunately, I always got bullied. Maybe it's essential to nerds. Anyway, let's stop talking about me and let's move on to my friends.
You think that I don't have friends? Oh, come on! I'm not the antisocial type. As I said earlier, I'm a different kind of a nerd. I have friends, okay? So let's move on to friend No. 1:
Introducing Dorothy Anderson. I will only tell you the basics about her:
1. She's a cheerleader.
2. She's popular.
3. Loves the color pink.
4. Goes shopping every week.
5. And always goes to high school parties.
Surprised again because I hang out with a popular person? Don't be. I have many secrets hidden under my sleeves and you'll get to know them soon. And friend No. 2 is:
Emily Hemmington. The following are basic facts about her:
1. Loves any kind of sport.
2. She'd rather play video games than go to parties.
3. Hates shopping.
4. She's also popular.
5. And hates girly stuff.

Me, Dorothy, and Emily are very close friends. Although I got the curious stares and death glares of the entire population of the student body, I really don't let them under my skin. I already know the reason why they look at me like that. They're popular. I'm not. Probably they think that we don't mix. Unfortunately for them, we do get along just fine. We settled our differences and hang out ( most of the time ). Anyway, I lost track of time and realized that it's already 6:30. What the hell?!?!?! I'm late for my Netflix session! I so hate myself right now! Then suddenly, my phone started to ring. I grabbed my phone from my pocket. It was a text message from Dorothy:

Dorothy: Sorry, I can't give you a ride home. Got practice, again. Arghhhhhh!
Me: Don't worry. I'll just get a ride on a cab. See ya tomorrow.

I turned off my phone and hailed a cab. Get ready for me Netflix. I'm coming for you.

When I got home, I was greeted by the smell of cookies. I rushed to the kitchen and found my mom putting cookies in a plate. She looked up and saw me. She quickly rushed towards me and gave me a peck on the cheek. She's the sweetest mom you could ever wish for.

" Hey honey, how's school today?" she asked while placing the cookies on the plate. I scoffed, " Same old, same old " I replied, grabbing a cookie from the plate. She slapped my hand away and gave me a glare. " Rica, these cookies are not for you. It's for our new neighbors next door."

I nearly choked on my saliva. People? Next door? This is so not happening. Don't get me wrong but I don't really like neighbors. What if I turn up the volume of my speakers and it's too loud for their liking? And then I start singing with the song? I know that I have the worst voice in history, you can even compare it to a pelican and the pelican will still won over me. What if I curse loudly and the neighbors will come in and carry a bucket full of soap and start cleaning my mouth with it? What if my neighbor is such a hottie I'll start drooling all over my place? What if I start snoring so loud and the neighbors will get angry at me? There's just so much possible situations that my I almost had a headache.

" From earth to Rica. Are you even listening?" Mom snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded my head even though I didn't know what the heck she's talking about. She handed me the plate full of cookies, " Ok, here. Bring these cookies to the newbies and welcome them in the neighborhood. " she instructed.

My jaw dropped to the floor. Me, sweet little me?! Put me and them together, and you've got yourself a freshly baked DISASTER cookie, no sugar added. Can't she just give them the cookies herself? I'm really socially awkward. Even if you and I have a light conversation right now, you'll have to wait ten minutes for me to start talking. And I'll also have to practice my lines for about fifty times but I still get the words mixed up. So, geez, do you understand my situation right now?

"Rica Marie Angela Hughes, are you listening or not?" Mom said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I gave her my best puppy dog eyes, " Mom, can you please do it instead? I'm really tired right now. Please?" I said, batting my eyelashes. Mom raised her eyebrows, " You do know that it's not gonna work on me, right? " she said. I huffed in exasperation. " Fine, I'll go. But you owe me a cookie. " Mom smiled in triumph, " Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Now go, and hurry up! " she said, shooing me out on the front door. She slammed the door in my face and I headed for my neighbors house.

I rang the doorbell twice, but still, nobody answered the door. Then, I noticed that the door was slightly open. I decided between going in or walking away and I'll just make a crappy excuse. But I wanted to get this over with. So, I pushed the door just a little bit and peered inside.

You know what? The whole interior of the house screamed, " Beware mortal! If you damage something, I'm going to smite you! This is expensive stuff! " not literally though. Lush carpets covered the floor. A huge crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling. Antique vases were all over the house and old paintings were hung on the walls. At the center of the room was a grand staircase leading to the second floor. I was pretty sure these people are loaded. And I was pretty sure my jaw was already on the floor.

I explored a little. Ok, fine. I toured all over the house. I secretly envied the design of the interior. Their interior designer must have poured a lot of love on this house.

I was walking through a corridor when suddenly a door opened and came out a middle- aged woman. Panic started to creep in me but my feet we're stuck to the floor. Unfortunately, the woman stared at my direction and what happened next will totally be stuck in my mind for the rest of my entire life.

She screamed.

Yo guys! I'm really sorry that this chapter is pretty short. But I think I'll make an improvement next time.

And guys, please give me your opinion about my story, but don't make it too harsh!

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