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Jisung was in his office doing some paper works while waiting for Changbin to text him bc most certainly Changbin will eventually text him about ridiculous things

After a few hours of Jisung doing paper works he got a text from Changbin


How do you cook noodles

Bro- you dont know how to cook noodles??- like instant noodles??

Yeah so what

Istg Changbin- you boil water and put the noodles in then put the seasoning


Anymore questions??

How do you make fire-


Lol i think its broken

No you're just dumb

Shut up
Imma just look for a tutorial you're not helping


Jisung shook his head "this man i swear i need to be payed fr" Jisung said as he continued to work on the papers


It was 1PM and Jisung was putting his stuffs in his bag when he got a notification on Instagram making him smile "Who's that?" Felix, Jisung's best friend asked while Jisung was looking at a picture of Changbin "my husband" Jisung wiggled his eyebrows making Felix nodded "you finally found someone huh? is it that guy with you on the big ass pic in your office?" Felix asked as Jisung screenshot the picture making it his lockscreen while he got his bag and walked out together

Jisung sigh making Felix look at him "Well yeah we did marry eachother but,yk hes like "forced" to do this so he dont really like me- no like HATE me" Jisung said looking down "hey its okay,things like that happens when you're in an arranged marriage,if you have a problem with him just call me and i will bring Hyunjin to beat the shit out of him" Felix said making Jisung laugh and smack Felix arm

"But still he really went and wiped the kiss i gave him" Jisung said making Felix look at him with mad eyes "he what?? DUDE WHY-" Before Felix can say anything Jisung shush him up "its okay Lix i can take this,i already promised my dad i will not divorce him,i dont want to be a burden anymore" Jisung said making Felix worried "but..you like giving kisses to your significant other but this..its to much are you sure?" Felix asked making Jisung smile "im fine Lix,i promise i will tell you if he goes to far" Jisung said making Felix nod and hug Jisung


"Im back" Jisung said as he locked the front door and walked to the living room seeing a mess and Changbin sleeping peacefully on the couch "this man" Jisung sighed and put his bag on the chair while he cleans the house still on  his work outfit

Jisung was hesitating if he's gonna pick Changbin up or not as he took a deep breath "okay" Jisung said and picks the heavy Changbin to their room and gently laying Changbin down on the bed "DAMN IM STRONG" Jisung said as he looked in the mirror flexing his biceps

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