His Hidden Smile

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The sun began to greet the morning as it slowly reveled itself from under the horizon, it's delightful beams of pure sunshine peeking through Izuku's All Might curtains. It gave a warm comforting sense when he fluttered his eyes open, a small yawn escaping his lips. He sat up removing the covers, his wrist rubbing his right eyelid. A tiny smile had crept onto his face when he glanced over all his neatly placed All Might figures and posters. "Good morning," he softly spoke out loud to nothing in particular.

After making himself look some what presentable he swung open the door and left for breakfast. As always the stairs were long and tiresome but any source of exercise was needed if he was going to become the number one hero someday. His clothes bounced up and down with every jogging step, from his light green colored shirt that read 'T-shirt' to his loosely fitting shorts and of course the laces on his favorite red boots.

Reaching the common room with some of his friends scattered all around, he suddenly heard a voice bellow for him.

"Hey Deku! Good morning, get a good sleep last night?" His bubbly classmate Ochaco Uraraka asked, skipping over to his side. Her hair seemed ruffled a bit and had small black bags under those glistening brown orbs of hers.

Izuku couldn't help but take notice and wondered if she'd been having trouble studying with the exam coming up. "Yeah, I slept great actually, thanks. Considering those bags under your eyes I can tell you haven't had much rest. Is everything all right? I heard the exam is getting the better of a lot of students." He responded with slight concern laced in his words, looking at her with morning dough eyes. His sweet caring voice everyone loved never disappointed.

"Oh! Don't worry about me, Iida has been helping me out whenever I need it," She claimed waving around her hands in defense. Her round cheeks as rosy as ever, Midoriya couldn't be more oblivious to it however.

Speaking of the class rep himself, Iida had peering over his shoulder and was how yelling at them. "You two should be eating with the rest of us! We have a lot of studying to do if we want to pass the upcoming exam!" Izuku always questioned himself of how Lida could do so much arm moment and not ever get tired, he shrugged it off and figured it just came with his strict nature.
Before he could even think about taking a step closer to what smelled like the same old tasteless food something more intriguing caught his eye. His full attention was now on a small crowd made up of half of his classmates outside, they were oddly all standing still like they had seen a ghost. Or maybe Denki was winning at freeze tag, he really couldn't tell by the way they were all hovering over one source in the middle that he couldn't identify.

Suddenly he was brought back down to earth when Uraraka's curious tone began to speak to him. "What do you think they are all doing?" With the slender tip of her index finger she pointed to the suspicious group, a little puzzled why anything was happening this early.

"I'm not sure.. But I'll go check it out, save me some breakfast alright?" He said giving a innocent smile to her. She nodded and went to join Iida who was engaged in conversation with a mellow Todoroki. Everyone seemed to need caffeine around here, the vibe was low and slow as of right now. But Izuku didn't give it enough time to eat away another one of his brain cells and simply brushed it off while heading outside.

He had now stopped a few feet away from the door upon seeing All Might himself standing by Aizawa. He had knew All Might for quite sometime now and they had a good bond as he was indeed his accessor, but still, seeing the retired number one hero that he obsesses over so dearly was always exciting. Izuku suddenly had forgotten his mission as he ran towards his hero and teacher with a big grin plastered on his bright face. There was loud happy noises and cries of joy coming from throughout the tucked tightly together crowd, the center of all this loving attention was still unknown. But right now that didn't matter at the moment, or at least he thought.

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