Figuring things out

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Twilights POV: I was in complete and utter shock. I honestly don't understand if Luna was my mom that means that I had to be born over 1000 years ago. As in before Nightmare Moon I was finally able to speak so I stuttered
"W-what....h-how I don't understand?" She looked pleased by my surprise like she figured out something
"Hahahahaha yes Twilight you are Luna's daughter and there is so much that Celestia kept from you that you will learn from me you were not even taught to your fullest potential."
"Wait why aren't you locking me up I'm a threat to your power."
"Oh no no no your not your are now princess of Equestria second in power only to myself and I will teach you because Luna and I are the same person so any daughter of Luna's that gets natural love from her gets the same from me." she explained I then thought about Celestia Luna loved Celestia why didn't Nightmare Moon.
"Wait if what you say is true then what about Celestia Luna loved her why do you want to kill her?" She looked shocked at the question but answered
"That Twilight is different Celestia had a problem and was the first fight so that is my reasoning." she said and it did make sense.
"Well I'd like to be alone right now if you don't mind it's a lot to take in you know." I said hopefully she'll let me be alone to take it all in.
"Very well, well since you are going to be royal you get servants I'll send them in so that you can tell them what you want for breakfast and have them do anything else you need." she said well ok then I didn't think she'd go through the trouble but okay then. after that I cried.

Cadence's POV : Our new 'bedroom' was a broom closet and everything else was either not comfortable or in useable. we have no idea where Celestia is nor what happened to Twilight. Me and Shining are worried about Twilight a lot but we were called to Nightmare's daughter so we went to Celestia's old bedroom to see who it was who we saw and what we saw was worrying. it was Twilight crying.

Twilights POV: After Nightmare left I laid on Celestia's bed and cried my eyes out then I heard some pony come in and I tried to calm myself down not wanting anypony to see me crying so hard. When I looked to see who was there I was shocked it was Shining Armor and Cadence but they were dressed like servants.
"Shining Armor Cadence? What are you doing here and why are you dressed like slaves. oh are you okay did she hurt you." I asked and then I figured it out on my own and confirmed it.
"We're fine Twily as long as we don't try to plot against her or talk bad about her." Shining answered clearly they were shocked to see me here.
"Wait why are you in Celestia's room and why are you crying did she hurt you are you okay." Cadence asked
"Fine if you don't count emotionally." I said sadly as the little talk I just had with Nightmare shook me up emotionally.
"What do you mean Twilight what did she do to you did she mess with your mind or something." Cadence asked honestly concerned.
"No no no she just told me the truth but I must ask you Shining did you know." I asked still upset
"Know what Twilight?"
"Did you know!!!" I said getting angry.
"Twilight I have know idea what your talking about what did Nightmare Moon tell you." I then decided to give in and tell them what I had learned.
"She told me under my truth spell well actually she didn't tell me she had me tell myself via the truth spell that Luna or right now herself is my...... mother !" They gasped in shock as apparently they didn't know but then they seemed to think and then Cadence said
"First off we think she spelled you to think that and second we didn't know and that's why she sent us here we are supposed to be your 'slaves' since you are the 'daughter' she was talking about." Shining then cringed in pain and told Cadence
"I think that's our sign to get her breakfast and leve to go get it." he said and she agreed
"I'll just have some cereal." That left and I was alone once again to sob.

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