LIGHT By: Marion Britanico

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By the Lamp, with my thoughts, I sat Quietly.

Thinking about how my life should meet its right end.

Asking myself, "Have I been on the right journey? "

Just by my table, still scared to trip and stand.

Repetition of purpose comes to mind.

Thinking, what kind of actions should be done?

People around me, acting so kind.

But when I need them, Everybody's gone.

I just thought If I were alone, What to do?

Unbearably confused with my life right now.

Trying to have the right path & road for me to pursue.

When can I get the chance, when, and how?

I never lose hope, but my fears still gather.

I'm just scared to make a decision that I might regret later.

When can I ever regain my strength & courage back together?

When can I experience the fulfillment that I am better?

I even fantasize about having the power to do an action.

Realizing that I'm so desperate to make a change.

I strongly hope quitting & being a failure is not an option.

Waiting for the right moment to grab my increasing range.

I never thought that time for me is running too fast.

I should have done my responsibilities a bit earlier.

Regrets are appearing, no idea when it will last.

This time I should stop & learn to be a good listener.

Surrendering my pride would be my first step.

Rearranging the cycle of my activities would be the second.

Disciplining myself to be responsible would be a great help.

Having the initiative will help me manage life until the end.

Maybe by this moment, I have learned a lesson.

That no matter what it takes, Reality has come to play.

All I have to do is to enjoy life & carry on,

Just believe that God has always better plans for every day.


My Poems By: Marion BritanicoWhere stories live. Discover now