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* ... Sigh.

With his left hand pressing his temple and his right hand furiously typing on the keyboard, this was normal to G. The headaches, the frustrations, the stress and pressure that came to being the head scientist of the Royal Laboratory. Although his boss, Asgore Dreemur, was the opposite of controlling and had never put unrealistic high expectations on G. so as to not stress him out, G. couldn't help but to still put himself under a lot of pressure in order to maintain the high standards and quality his superior, Gaster, always maintained. After all, he was taking over Gaster, and his shoes were big to fill in.

Attaching the word document and typing the email,

* Yours sincerely... G. Sans, Head Scientist of Royal Laboratory.


Finally, his last assignment in his to-do list for the day completed, the research report on the capacity of remnants of souls and how minute quantities of it can still be used to restore life in deadly cases. He couldn't deny that he felt more easy now but looking at the stacks of research papers and reports he had to go through for his meetings the whole month... the feeling of uneasiness returned anyways. Well, at least he had the weekends off to destress a little bit, even though he would usually bring back the reports of interns to correct and scan for errors.

His office perfectly described his mind however. Multiple cups with coffee stains at the bottom placed near the corner of his dest, empty disposable Starbucks coffee cups and crumpled up paper bits filling up his dustbin. At the sides of the room, you could see tall bookshelves with abundant amounts of scientific theory books that were tagged and bookmarked heavily personally by Sans for reference while writing and checking research reports. On his desk, sticky pads and post-it notes kits were scattered around his table, with tons of paperwork stacked on the desk too such that you could barely see the top of his skull when you walked in his office. His laptop barely had enough space that it was a wonder he managed to fit so many things on his desk.

He was overwhelmed. And he couldn't really tell anyone either, since his brother, Papyrus, left the job. Papyrus used to share the office with Sans, and the two were an undefeated duo as apprentices to Gaster.  Since the incident, things just weren't quite the same, even though the brothers were still close. Papyrus had went back to university to study veterinary science, he had merely joined Sans in this apprenticeship for a year as he was keen to get first hand experience in the industry. Gaster was hesitant to take up another apprentice at first, but after seeing the many detailed reports and experiments Papyrus had done up in the first few months as an intern at the Royal Laboratory, Gaster was deeply impressed by him and decided he would do it. Sans was really proud of his bro.

The incident did take a huge hit on not just Sans, but Papyrus too. As mentioned earlier, Papyrus was also involved in the accident with Gaster and he now had also physical qualities of his superior. Similarly to his brother, Papyrus also had a deep scar ingrained in his skull that ran above his left eye socket and below his right eye socket, while Sans had his scar above the right eye socket and below his left eye socket. While Papyrus' pre-existing personal physical qualities did not change drastically, Sans' face shape did turn to be more oval and his body had certainly grown to be taller. Sans' height used to be at Papyrus' waist and now, his height was already at Papyrus' shoulders.

With Papyrus gone, the office was much more quieter and lonelier with G. all alone. Papyrus' old desk sat at a corner in the now huge room, covered in cobwebs and dust. It was once what it used to be, where Papyrus would always nag at Sans to keep the office clean at all times and to keep the work piles neat, something that has not been maintained since his departure. Papyrus had even drawn a line on the wooden floor one time with chalk so Sans wouldn't keep coming into his space. The line was still there, engraved into the floor, but his brother was not. His university campus was not near the city either, and it would be a hassle for Papyrus to return weekly. Papyrus was too busy studying to call Sans, and Sans knew he had to let go of Papyrus one day.

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