[ If you've read the book or have watched the movie, then you know who's the one who's 'back' or going to appear in the end lmao
(Also can we just talk about Fabian saying "Please let us take the dog. It's for a good cause" then REDACTED just shoots one of the dogs and then he looks at Fabian and the owner and casually says "He was growling at me. I dont like dogs growling at me." idk im so sorry, that joke just had my lungs ascend to heaven from how casual it was) ]
Bayani and Khloen decided to ask some others for directions, and have been lead on the right way at last. Along the way, they decided to banter with each other, get to know a little more about one another.
Bayani has learned that Khloen may be more similar to him than he initially first thought. Khloen comes from a gay divorced family and lives with his grandpa as well. Khloen is not sure who is other father is. Apparently, Germany never tells him, nor does his grandpa. It's leaving him rather scared and confused of his life, especially since ever since he's gotten to the Academy, he's been welcomed with glares and people whispering about him; most are bad things...
Bayani also asked Khloen what all the extra books were for. Khloen says that it's some old books that his grandpa had lying around that he thought would be useful to boost his academics. Khloen is already having a headache with just carrying them around from how thick and heavy the books are. Bayani thinks it's overkill, and Khloen thinks it too. But Germany and his grandpa who's name which escapes me, the handsome narrator, thinks the opposite.
"It's not overkill. Not at all. In fact, this is just the basics," They would always tell him.
Khloen's probably going to have a broken back before he reaches the age of 10. Poor boy. Anyhow, after what felt like forever, they managed to reach Mr Singapore's office at last. They were given each a folder with some schedules, copy of the school's main rules, and other important things. They were also briefed with some other details that they needed to know about. Bayani could've sworn that Khloen looked like he was about to cry because he was already carrying so much, and now he needs to carry a folder with what feels like a gazillion documents inside.
After leaving, Bayani offered to carry the other books to lighten Khloen's load. Geez, he was not kidding at all when he complained about how heavy they were. But hey, all for Bayani's good friend. Their first class of the day was at the fifth floor. It didn't help at all that there were only flights of grand pristine stairs to accommodate them. At least they managed to get a laugh out of the other kids. Some other students were born with different kinds of wings. Although, unfortunately, it is against the school rules to fly around when in the perimeter of the campus or the outside area surrounding it, unless permitted by the teacher for a lesson or a demonstration, which would have to be permitted by Singapore. So now all these other kids also have to suffer reaching the fifth floor too. A lot of them were going to complain about the rules and say how much they think that the school rules are absolutely dumb, especially the no flying one, but they don't want to get in trouble. The school is very strict than it already is.
Getting in trouble is absolute hell.
After about 15 minutes later, Bayani and Khloen have finally reached their first period. " Mein gott, Ich fühle mich, als würde ich sterben. " That's the most relatable thing Khloen has ever said. Of course, Bayani didn't understand a single word he said, but just looking from his agitated expression, he's most likely complaining about the stairs.
First period's teacher was Italy. His class is about country relations and allyship. Since it's the first day, they can all just relax for now and have a bit of fun. Today was just introducing themselves to each other. And as his class is about - today was just making friends. According to Italy, "Befriending someone else is crucial to you once you get older and get to make your decisions. If you need something from them, they set up trades with you, and you could do the same with them. So why not start now, and make all the friends you can make?"
Ideal Home II Countryhumans AU [USSR x UK]
Romansa[Loosely based on the movie of the same name] Britain and USSR have been married for almost 10 years now. It's a surprise that the two get along, and it's their blossoming love for one another is an even bigger surprise. But no matter, they complete...