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The weather of Nimbasa City wasn't so bad today. White grumbled remembering the few times the weather turned on her by either raining so heavily that her socks were soaked wet, or when the wind was just too strong that her hat flew off from her head multiples times. Honestly it was probably the reason why she stopped wearing it. Nowdays, she usually had it like how she did it now, just a nice, simple ponytail.

She hummed to a song she recently heard on the sidewalk, making her way to the Musical Theatre as they had another performance planned for the next few days, she just needed to make sure everything was right on track. She looked up and saw the sun shining brightly, but not too brightly, she stretched her arms and took in the deep scent of the city air that was Nimbasa City. Even being in a populated and modern city, the air still smelled so fresh. One of the many reasons why she loved living here.

It was such a good day, at least, that's what she thought when she suddenly felt a strong tug at her right shoulder, the shoulder which the strap of her bad was on. The next thing she knew, her bag had slid off of her and was in the hands on a man dressed in black, running past by her.

"Hey! Wait!" White shouted as she started dashing towards the thief. "Stop!" she shouted aloud as she ran as fast as her legs could take her. She knew she wasn't so athletic even after her journey days were over and it was this moment she made a mental note to hit the gym often.

She huff and puff, running past pedestrians, going after the thief, her eyes not letting go of her target that easily. Unfortunately, she was so focused on her target that she didn't notice she had bumped her shoulders with a passerby.

"I'm sorry!" she called out without looking behind. The passerby didn't say anything, merely watching her run off, a smile creeping up onto his face.

White's eyes widened as she saw the thief dashing into an alleyway.

Got you. She pushed harder and ran faster until she reached the alleyway, turning right into it. The alleyway had only a few turns, but one path, meaning her the thief would reach a dead end. And she was right.

With one last right turn, she saw the thief staring at a huge brick wall. She stopped in her tracks.

"There you are!" she shouted as the thief turned around with a menacing smile.

"My, how stupid you are to follow me all the way here,"

"I'm the stupid one?" White fired back ,"says the thief who ran into a wall, now give me my bag back or-"

"Or what?" the thief raised an eyebrow. White responded by moving her hand to her waist where she would usually keep her belt that contained her pokeball, usually being the keyword as she gulped, not feeling anything there. The thief laughed as he reached into her bag and pulled out her pokeballs.

"Looking for these?" he taunted. "Hehe, now you know who's the stupid on here,"

White didn't answer. Merely gritting her teeth and arrowing her eyes.

"And well, since you followed me here, can't have you going back and reporting me now right?" he took out two pokeballs of his own and threw them. Two pokemon emerged, yellow, humanoid bodies with black stripes. Electricity crackled around their bodies. White instantly knew that they weren't Unovan pokemon.

"Tabuzz...." The 2 Electabuzz growled at White. A bead of sweat dropped.

"Well? I would let you go if you would do me one simple favour," the thief narrowed his hungry eyes at her. White saw his pupils moving up and down her body, her face immedietly disgusted by it.

"Over my dead body," she shot back. The man cocked his head sideways.

"Oh well, I guess that'll do as well," he snickered as he pointed his finger towards. White widened her eyes in horror, her brain scrambling itself trying to think of a way to get out of the situation, but nothing came.

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