The meeting

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I didn't know exactly who it was but one voice sounded like a voice I've heard a lot. Cornelius fudge the minister of magic.

I thought to myself... why is he here? So I close one ear and put the other to the door to hear what he was talking about.

"She's dangerous Dumbledore. If she can do it to herself she can do it to others too." Called fudge from inside Dumbledores office.

"What exactly are you implying minister" said Dumbledore softly.

"Y/n riddle needs to leave Hogwarts"

Those words were like needles on a chalk board to my ears. Am I getting kicked out? Because I tried to off myself?!

"We need to cut this conversation short, y/n is outside the door" said Dumbledore softly.

How could he hear me* I thought.

I knocked on the door and walked in. I seen fudge, Dumbledore, snape and lupin all gathered in his office. I looked awkwardly at everyone as fudge left the room without even making eye contact with me.

"Sit down y/n" said snape his jet black eyes looking down his hooked nose upon me.
I sat down in the closest seat to the door so that if I needed to run out I would be right by the door. Pathetic I know, but I was willing to stand my ground.

"Y/n, recent events have put Hogwarts in great danger for yourself and others around you. Minister fudge has informed us that several students have came to him about you as they as scared and in fear that you will do something to them or anyone else. We know it sounds awful but you may need to leave Hogwarts...." Said Dumbledore.
"WHAT. I'm not going to hurt anyone they are being stupid. Why would I ever..." I pause.

"Y/n I did not finish" spoke Dumbledore.
"That's what minister fudge was implying we do, but I disagree. Lupin if you please."

"Yes Dumbledore. We have been discussing what we should do with you and we all agreed you do not deserve to get kicked out of Hogwarts. We have came to the conclusion that you will sleep in my sleeping quarters until it is safe for you to return to your dormitory. We understand that you might not want to but it is necessary." Lupin spoke, not taking his eyes off me.

"I- um- yes ok" I said stuttering on my words.

"Lupin will take you now to his sleeping quarters for the rest of the day and tomorrow you will go back to normal classes." Spoke snape his eyes fixated on mine.

We all stood up and walked out the door leaving Dumbledore in his office. Snape walked off in the other direction while me and lupin went to his sleeping quarters.

The way there was awkward as we never spoke a word. Probably because I had tears trickling down my face and lupin didn't want anyone to notice so he didn't point it out.
We got there, he opened the door and my jaw dropped. There were books upon books piled high and along the wall was a bookshelf filled with tons of more books. Books as far as the eye can see. In the middle of the room there was a small round wooden table with 2 wooden chairs by the side of it.

"Well, do you like it?" Lupin said closing the door behind him.

"I love it"

I may be a Slytherin but the one thing I love is books. That's also the one thing my parents are disappointed in me in.

"I'll show you where you are sleeping." Lupin spoke leading me into another room filled with books.
The room smelled like chocolate and old books, which was the most comforting smell ever.

"I've taken all your sharps away so you can't do it while your here. If you ever need my help just call on me, I'm here for you okay. I'll look after you."

End of this part!
Hope you are enjoying this story and if anyone has any suggestions please put them in the comments! There are no promises that I will take them on board. Thank you <3

I'll look after you - remus lupin comfort story Where stories live. Discover now