Chapter One

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The soundtrack to Pyotr Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker echoed throughout the art room. The ash blonde with purple haired teenager hummed along as she painted on her canvas. She happily picked from the blues she had mixed on her small circular palette.

The teen took a few steps back, admiring the work she had done and to see if she needed to add anything to it.

"Why bother with looking for mistakes, you're a literal genius Mara"  a boy called out from behind the teen, over the music. Mara turned around to her best friend, Henry Brookes. Mara turned off her music before setting her paintbrush into the water jar.

"You're just grumpy that I chose not to walk with the seniors at graduation" Mara said, tilting her head at her friend. "No actually it's the fact you are leaving me in this dump for the next three years" Henry corrected the girl, placing his hands in his jacket pockets.

"I am not spending another three years learning knowledge I already know" Mara reasoned with Henry, crossing her arms over her chest. Henry nodded along with her statement. "I know, it's just I'm gonna miss you. After next month you'll be in National City in one of the best colleges in the state" Henry reminded his best friend.

Mara saw the look in his eyes, it was the same look that every new orphan had in their eyes when they were brought to Madam Cordial's Home for Wayward Children.


Mara dropped her arms, her own face fell knowing the pain he was feeling. "Henry" Mara choked quickly pulling her friend into a hug. "I promise... I swear to you, I will never abandon you no matter what" Mara told him, hugging him tighter.

"Hey! Be careful!" Henry squeaked. Mara quickly removed her arms away from Henry. "Sorry! I forgot about my strength" Mara apologised to him. "Nah, it's good sis" Henry laughed off, giving Mara his signature smirk.

'Mara Zorl to the principal's office'

Mara rolled her eyes at the intercom announcement. "What did you do now sis," Henry asked. Mara punched his arm softly, not wanting to break it. "Nothing actually Mr Blame Game" Mara scoffed, packing up her stuff.

"Make sure Brett doesn't fuck up my painting!" Mara called as she jogged out of the art room. Henry shook his head looking at the painting of the alien city Mara had an obsession with. "Yeah Mar, no promises" He grimaced knowing what was gonna happen when we left for History.


Mara walked to the principal's office, the familiar dull yellow walls making her wonder why she was called. As far as Mara can remember no one knew she was the one behind Mr. Curran and the green paint incident.

Mara knocked on Principal Miller's door before opening it. "Ms. Miller? You wanted to see m-" Mara was faced with a gun to her head. "Ms. Zorl I highly suggest you follow instructions" a female voice called out from behind the six foot man holding the gun.

"Who the fuck are you?" Mara asked, more offended by the gun than scared by the guy who wants to kill her with it. "I'm Lillian Luthor and I believe that you my dear need CADMUS"

Department of Extraterrestrial Operations

Supergirl landed on the platform in the DEO. She looked around for Alex Danvers and Winn Schott wondering what her next mission was gonna be.

"Supergirl!" J'onn J'onzz called from his circle of computers. "What's up, Alex called. Said you needed me" Supergirl asked the director as she made her way to the circle of computers.

Winn turned his chair to Supergirl, playing with his pen as usual. "An alien teen missed three of her classes" Winn stated, putting a file on the screens. "Mara Zorl? I don't understand why a teen missing classes is in need of Supergirl?" The Kyrptonian asked the agents.

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