The End

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I didn't have a clock, but I'm sure it was literally an eternity before I raised my head. Every inch of my body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. I had never come like that. That was all I could think. Never. It wasn't me, either – it was because of her.

My arms rested on the bed on either side of her, her ribs brushing them with each deep, slow breath. Her hands were in the small of my back, soft and smooth, while her legs had slid down around my thighs.

I looked down at her face. Lauren looked peaceful and dazed. Her eyes were closed, her mouth soft and just slightly open in that way of hers. Her hair was a mess around her head, fanned over the pillow and stuck to her neck and shoulders, all dewed with the sweat that glistened on us both.

Those eyes opened very slowly, dreamily, and we stared at each other from only a few inches apart. I marveled that I had ever thought those brilliant green eyes were cold – they were so warm, so bright as she looked up at me.

I raised one lead-weight arm to brush the hair very gently back from her face, and after a moment, she did the same for me.

"Hi there," I murmured, lost in the green of her eyes, my thoughts drifting.

"Hi," she murmured back, somewhat hoarsely.

I waited then for her to unwind her legs and arms from around me, and for things to go back the way they had before – but they didn't. Finally, thinking she must be getting uncomfortable, I started to pull away. Instantly, her legs tightened again, and her hands clutched me.

"Don't go," she whispered.

My eyes widened, staring down into hers, which I now realized were also wide and round, and surprisingly vulnerable. Suddenly, I knew what had to happen now. Taking an infinitely long minute to move, I slowly brought my lips to hers. Her lips parted immediately beneath mine, warm and soft, and for the very first time, incredibly enough, Lauren and I kissed.

When our mouths finally parted – we were still short on breath, so it probably wasn't all that long a kiss – Lauren sighed, still holding me close.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked, almost plaintively.

I stared down at her, a thousand different responses running from my head, from "well, you might have killed me" to "I wanted to, but I was afraid" and even "how the hell should I know, boss". Then I caught the sparkle in her eyes. Her loving eyes.

I couldn't help but grin. "Why didn't you tell me?"

My calm, powerful, intimidating, cold-eyed lawyer burst out in giggles. I followed suit, burying my face in her neck again as we laughed together, before I raised my head again to look into her eyes.

Then I felt very warm, soft lips trailing down my neck, and her hands sliding up my back, and I shuddered deeply. "Ohh," I moaned into her neck. "Be careful; I'm not sure I can control myself if you do that."

"Your point being?" She murmured, her hands sliding into my hair to pull my head up. Those gorgeous emerald green eyes were wide and warm.

"Well, I just thought I should mention it," I murmured back, nibbling her lower lip.

Her legs tightened. "Shut up and love me, Camz," she whispered in my ear.

I drew in my breath sharply. "Only if you promise to do the same," I replied into her ear, nibbling it.

She raised my head again by the hair. "Agreed," she said, biting her lip. Her green eyes glistened.

I could feel mine burning too. "It's a deal, then."

For only the second time, I kissed my lover.

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