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1 week and 3 days later

I woke up in the housie as usual.

"Morninnn" Minho said.

I smiled at him and rested my head on my pillow and closed my eyes.

"Athena im gonna go run now,love you"

'Ok bye love you too' i said telepathicly.

He didnt seem to hear me.

'Minho?' I opened my eyes and he was already leaving.

'Minho?' I said again.

No one was on the other side.

I decided that he was probably rushing so he couldnt hear me but that wasnt true.

I know these stupid WICKED people they are probably trying to cut the connection between us.

I got out of my bed and went into the bathrooms.

I lifted my shirt up and over my head (i have a bra on chill) and looked at the metal thats still around my ribs.

I gripped my shirt in my hands until my knuckles turned white.
I uncrumbled my baby blue shirt and was about to put it back on when


I quickly turned around and saw gally looking at me.     What is he doing here?

I screamed,i screamed as loud as i possibly could. Sadly that was just a thought. I couldnt scream.

Oh god

Gally stepped closer and lifted his hand up.

C'mon Athena scream,do something.

I opened my mouth and screamed, sadly that scream was cut short when the metal started to tighten around me.

I fell to the ground and started gasping for breath.

Gally went out the room and started calling for clint and jeff who were shortly with me.

But i couldnt wait for them to come,it was too much so i let go.


"Is she ok?" somebody said.

"Hope so, just make sure Minho goes straight to Athena when he comes back from the run" It was a british accent,newt.

I tryed opening my eyes but they wouldnt budge.

C'mon Athena move i said to myself

I tried moving my arms.

Yay i moved a fucking milimeter. Ugh

Suddenly as i was unhooked from the chain that was keeping me from being awake i shot straight up from my bed.

I gasped for breath and started looking around, i was in the med jacks room.

Clint walked in. suprised to see me awake.

"Hey Athena you feelin any better"

I nodded my head.

"Ok good ill be back in a few,hope you like chicken noodle soup" clint laughed.

I smiled back.

I tryed reaching for a glass of water on the night stand and the metal got tighter.

I started whincing and gasping again.

Seriously now theyre preventing me from moving.

I gritted my teeth and looked up at the cealing.

I managed to get a groan out.

And then a tiny wheez.

I gritted my teeth harder and harder. It was horrible.

"C'mon run guys!" I heard clint say.

"She'll be ok here just help Minho c'mon Jeff"


I looked outside and saw the doors starting to close. It was daylight, it shouldnt be closing!

I got out of my bed with my muffled screams.

I quickly started rushing to the walls.

the pain in my lungs was unstopable, my muffled screams and gaspings was covered by the shouting going on about 20 feet infront of me.

What were they shouting at?

The metal started getting so tight that i started losing control, i started limping.

I rubbed the sweat off my forehead and wheezed and gasped, oh my god. I cant.

I got closer and closer to the walls until everbody noticed me and my gasping.

"Athena?" It was newt.

I could only get out a gasp and a wheez .

I looked at what they were looking at, it was minho dragging ben with him. They were about to get locked in the maze

I started crying and gasping,trying to say something.

I gathered up all my strength and stood up as best as i could, lifted my hand up in a 'stop position' and screamed.

"STOP!" I yelled in a raspy crackling voice.

And all the sudden the walls stopped dead in their tracks.

My metal cast unhooked its self from my ribs.

I fell on my knees and blacked out.

Its ok though Minho's safe and thats all that matters.

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