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Deckard is thrown forcefully into a chair in the middle of a room that has a large window that shows underwater. A cat behind meows and the boys panting increases. The room is full of mechanics and tubes of creatures and colorful liquid. The cat rubs against Deckard's legs, beads of sweat slowly drip down the teen's face.

The boy is surrounded by three men all looking unruly and frightening. A thinner man, a doctor who was also a scientist was at a table messing with the science presented.

"You were supposed to follow them and not interfere." a mysterious voice of a man called out as he put together a metal syringe.

"I'm sorry. They just caught us by surprise." Deckard pleads.

"Now his accomplice is asking questions about you." the man is shrouded in darkness as he sits in a chair by a desk.

"That's not a risk I'm willing to take." the man raises the syringe to his face, above his left eye.

"The kids. It was their fault, the explosion in the upper city."

"It was them?" the man stops from injecting the syringe into his eye.

"Yeah. The topsiders are up in arms looking for 'em."

"Vander's in trouble." the man looks to the boy.

The teen chuckles nervously making eye contact with a glowing orange left eye and quickly looking away.

"Smartest thing you ever said, boy. Get him a meal. But keep him off the streets." the man gets up from his seat and walks past Deckard and to the window.

The three men grab Deckard and escort him out of the room.

"Our timeline has moved up." the man walks into the light illuminating his face.

The man had a scar on the left side of his face matched with a black and orange eye and dark brown almost black hair slicked back out of his face.

"It's almost ready." the thin man at the table says as he lifts a vile of glowing violet liquid.

"Show me."

"Feeding time." the thin man picks up the cat and places it in a cage with a rat. Closing and locking the cage.

"And the side effects?" the man with the scar walks over to stand next to the thin man as they watch the cage.


The cat stalks towards the rat. The thin man taps on the glass and the rat move towards a water feeder that held the glowing violet liquid. And drinks the liquid. The two men watch in anticipation.

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