the proposal?

23 0 0

Denmark:so Belgium how long have we been dating?

Belgium:6 or 5 I forgot

Denmark:Belgium I got something to tell you

Belgium:what is it? *blushing*

Denmark:*opens a box with a pink ring*

Denmark:Belgium will you marry me?

Belgium:*tears of joy* Yes Denmark of course I will marry you

*Belgium and Denmark hug each other and kissed*

Luxembourg order:*hiding in the bush*
Yes soon my plan will become a reality

*back in Europe*

Belgium: guess what

All of NATO:yes?

Belgium:I got engaged

Denmark: I can confirm this

USA:that is great for you 2

Indonesia: and what's the date for the wedding


Indonesia:just asking

Luxembourg order (in mind): when the wedding comes the war begins

broke up but remain United:AFTERMATH (WW3)Where stories live. Discover now