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Luxembourg order: our so-called leaders prostituted us to the West destroyed our culture our economy's our honor today the sword of Luxembourg picked up again they will soon find out that fascism is the only way to peace

Singapore: we will defend our homes or die trying

*Luxembourg order declares war on NATO*

Belgium: oh you got to be kidding me!

Uk: looks like we're going to have a bloody war again maybe another world war if Russia gets involved

Russia: I'm not going to get involved in your War comrade

USA: thanks for understanding

*Belgium and Netherlands capitulated*

France: oh my god they are attacking my Capital with no mercy

Uk: yeah they'll really hating us right now

*France capitulated*

Uk:no not my wife

USA: how on Earth is Luxembourg winning the war?!?!?!?!?!

Sweden: let me do some research it to my armor suit maybe a weakness or something that he does not know about

USA: in the meantime I will prepare something top secret that only I know

Canada: oh you keeping secrets

Uk:Canada your brother probably have some sort of secret that he's not wanting us to see please respect your brother's privacy


Luxembourg order: Singapore it is time

Singapore: my army is already attacking Indonesia and Malaysia

Luxembourg order: oh you went a bit ahead in time but okay mate

Indonesia: and they are going to kill us

Malaysia: it's been an honor to be your girlfriend

Indonesia: and it's been an honor to be your boyfriend

*Indonesia and Malaysia capitulated*

*2 years later*

Usa: how in the freedom founding lands are they winning?

Canada: no idea bro they captured Russia they captured China they captured the two koreas they capture New Zealand they capture Australia they captured all of Africa captured Iran capture Norway captured Denmark captured the Philippines captured Sweden(note:Sweden did fought in WW3) Captured almost everyone man

USA: now it's just us

Canada: I know you are probably angry about Japan being captured by Singapore


Canada: this will be our last stand

broke up but remain United:AFTERMATH (WW3)Where stories live. Discover now