fifteen; the siren lounge

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chapter fifteen.

THERE WAS NO ROOM for error on August 13th.

Selene watched Nix knock out guard after guard with ease and then drag their unconscious bodies to inconspicuous hiding places. Selene guessed they had around an hour before the guards changed shifts and discovered the intruders.

At Selene's suggestion, they broke into the surveillance room hours before the event began and disposed of the guard there. They had considered attending the event and blending in as guests, but decided the additional security during event hours was too risky.

Ren took a seat before the camera screens and cracked his knuckles. While Nix and Selene worked the ground, Ren would keep watch from above and secure his own escape through the ducts.

Nix's eyes flickered across the wall of screens, desperately searching for something. Selene watched those brown eyes flash when they landed on his target.

"That's her," he breathed. "That's Adelaide." He spoke quietly, as if he was scared the screens could hear him. He stared at the pixeled form rocking herself in the corner. Selene watched him watch her, observing the unspoken emotion that swirled in his eyes.

Ren clicked around the computer, "She's in The Siren Lounge. First floor. 5 guards in the area."

Nix nodded, giving the screen one last look before turning away. "Let's go," he said, his voice cold and empty.

"Don't get caught," Ren said, waving them away.

Nix rolled his eyes, but from the way he clenched his jaw, Selene could see he was on edge.

"You better be right about the guard schedule," he mumbled to her before rounding the corner with his knife in hand.

Selene gripped her gun and followed suit. For her own sake, she hoped she was right, too.

They slinked through the shadows, and for once, Nix was the one to rely on her. He could not navigate the pristine venue like he navigated the city streets.

Selene was careful as she walked the hallways that had once celebrated her. And now, in just a few hours, they were about to celebrate the sickest desires of man.

Selene stopped in front of a door and ran a hand down the label. The Siren Lounge.

"Here," she whispered.

Nix stood beside her and just stared at the door for a moment. Without a word, he pushed the door open and stepped inside.

The room, despite its lavish name, was basically a tiny jail cell. There was nothing in it except an empty tray of food and...a bruised girl sitting in the corner.

"Adelaide," Nix whispered as he crouched a few feet away from her and reached out.

Her dark black hair fell from her shoulders when she looked up. Selene had never seen such hopeless and utterly defeated brown eyes. The girl was dressed in a white gown, her hair brushed and make up done as if dolled up for a showcase. She sunk into the shadows, hiding away from the new intruders.

"Who are you?" she rasped as she leaned away from his reach.

Nix's hands faltered. He hung his head and stood up, renewing the distance between him and his sister.

"It's Nicky," he said softly. "Your brother. Don't you remember?"

Adelaide's eyes flickered.

"You're safe now."

It had been seven years. Long enough to forget what safety felt like.

"Nicky," she repeated, weighing the name on her tongue.

"Yeah," he whispered. "I'm sorry, Adelaide. I'm so sorry."

Selene took a step back until her back was against the wall. She stared at the 15 year old girl through the door frame, so pale and so thin, like a ghost. She stared at the youth that had been stolen from her, at the beauty that had been tainted. She stared and stared until she remembered she was staring through the eyes of the abuser.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry.

"We're getting you out of here, okay?" Nix said, his voice soft yet distant. "No one will ever hurt you again. I promise."

Adelaide blinked at him.

"Let's go," he whispered. "Let's go home." He slowly stepped backwards, out of the doorframe, his hands coaxing her to follow.

"I don't have a home," she said.

Nix flinched, but hid it quickly. "You do now."

The girl rose to her feet, but made no move to accept them. She slowly stepped out of the room into the hallway, into near freedom.

Nix looked like he was about to say something when he was interrupted by a voice that poisoned the very air they were breathing.

"My, my, what do we have here?"

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