Chapter 4

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Y/n's POV.

The time came for the day we arrived on Arakis. And I was not looking forward to it, I already missed Caladan.

Once we arrived the only thing you could see was sand, once we got closer we saw at least 100,000 people outside awaiting our arrival.

I stood beside Paul and we both glanced at each other and smiled. "Shields up" gurney commanded. We all shielded up then I took Paul hand in mine.

We start walking down the ramp and onto the desert sand. Paul lets go of my hand and walks in front of me, putting his hand out for me when I get to the end of the ramp. I take his hand and he helps me down thevery small drop.

We both glance around, taking everything in. I let go of Paul's hand as I see Thufir. He smiles at the man and speeds up his walking. "Thufir Hawat." he says, jogging over to Thufir to give him a hug.

"Young master," Thufir says, "how does it feel to walk on a new world?" "Exciting, to say the least," Paul says. He steps away from Thufir and grabs my hand again. Every time he grabs my hand I can't help but feel butterflies.

Thufir bows to Leto and says, "My lord."How are you, old friend?" Leto asks.

"My advance team has secured the city. We're still smoothing out a few rough spots," Thufir says. When Leto walks away, he bows to Jessica.

"My lady." He turns to me and nods with a smile. "Miss Y/n" I smile at him and nod. Paul and I follow the others towards an ornithopter. On our way, the people surrounding us shout, "Lisan al-


"Don't be fooled by the welcome," Thufir says,

"They follow their old masters' rules. Mandatory attendance. That's Harkonnen love out there." Jessica walks into the ornithopter, and we follow after her.

"Let's get you out of the sun," Thufir says, closing the helicopter's glass walls once we are sitting. "The heat can kill in this place."

The ornithopters start up, and the blades start moving. Paul turns to his mother. "They were pointing at us. What are theyshouting?"

"Planting superstitions," Paul adds. "Preparing the way, Paul," his mother corrects. "These people have waited for centuries for the Lisan al-Gaib. They see you, they see the signs."

"They see what they've been told to see," Paul says, looking down at our intertwined hands. When we both see each other we both blush and immediatly remove our hands from each other's grasp.

"We're good to go," Thufir says, and we start lifting into the air. The ornithopters fly through Arrakis, and I take in all the views of the desert.

It's so different from my home, and it's still beautiful. "Shield wall," Thufir says after a moment. Paul and I both move our heads a little in order to see it. "Protects the city from the weather...and the worms." 

"How big are they?" I ask. "The worms?" Thufir turns slightly, "Too big. You just hope that you don't have to see one"

Once we got settled in me and Paul started to settle in and learn more about Arakis. When all the sudden I see smoke coming from the wall and a plying insect in the sky... it was a hunter seeker.

I quickly single Paul and he looks terrified I slowly get out of bed and start walking towards the field in the projection. Paul tries to warn me not to but one noise to loud or a movement to quick and your dead.

Then the Hunter Seeker directs itself towards me and charges towards me it stops only millimeters away from my eye.

I patiently stand their when all the sudden the door opens and the maid walks in right before the hunter seeker can charge a smash it against the wall with my hand.

The poor maid looks horrified and I am still trying to process what just happened, but before I could I was engulfed into an embrace, Paul's embrace.

He lifts my chin up "Are you alright?" He asks. I just nodded my head. He looks down at my hand the hunter seeker still in it. " its a hunter seeker that means the operator must be near by" he says

Thutir leads our group with a small umbrella over his shoulder "These are spice silos," he explains as we get closer to the large silos,

"We're meant to fill every crate." Well, there's only a few

"All of them?" Paul asks from next to me as Thufir stops and turns to us

"Every twenty five standard days," Thufir says."Harkonnen sabotage slows us down."

"But who's meant to arbitrate?" Paul asks. "Isn't there a Judge of the Change to oversee the transition?" Me turns to his dad

"Who did the Emperor appoint?" Gurney asks,

"Dr; Liet Kynes, Imperial Ecologist," Thutir explains. "Been here twenty years, Eccentric, from what I'm told."

"I want to see these myself." Leto says, making us all

turn to him" wouldn't recommend it, my lord," Thufir says after a moment

Leto obvious doesn't care, "Have this Judge of the Change accompany us" he long overdue.

And we'll get a bit of imperial

protection." He looks at Gurney and nods,

Gurney nods back. "A hostage," he chuckles. "I love it."

Thufir hums, smiling at me before looking at Leto.

"He's here, my lord. Ornithopters fly above us, and Leto nods to me. "Let's go."

The ornithopter lands and out comes Duncan. Me and Paul run to him and jump in his arms.

"Duncan I missed you!" I exclaimed " I missed you too Y/n!" " Boy do I have stories to tell ya'll" he said. " can't wait"

The remainder of the day I explored to area of the palace while everyone was in meeting and boring stuff like that.

That night I went to bed wondering what Paul was doing. I couldn't stop thinking about him when I finally got the courage I went to his room and I knocked when he came to the door.

He was in his night attire and I couldn't help but blush at the sight of him he looked so effortlessly handsome.

I didn't even need to say anything before he took my hand and led me towards the bed. This isn't the first time we have slept together it was honestly quite regular and it both comforted us.

Once we got in bed, he immediately pulled me towards him my head resting on the outside of his neck are arms wrapped around each other.

"Good night Y/n/n" he softly spoke. "Goodnight Paul" I whispered back, then I fell into a deep sleep with the love of my life wrapped around me.

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