Chapter 3

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Creds to Rick

Annabeth's POV:

The older she got, the easier it was to identify dreams. She could tell she was in one immediately.

She was in a cave underwater. How she was breathing, she didn't want to test. She was chained to the wall. She couldn't think of a single reason as to why she would be. She felt weakened; exhausted. She surveyed her body. Cuts, bruises, gashes, and more racked her.

A large, muscular man walked into view. She struggled to see the detail on him considering the cave was dark. She went to speak but when she did, she ended up in a coughing fit. She choked on her own air (how she did when she was underwater she had no idea) until blood came from her mouth.

Delightful, she thought.

"Who are you?" Annabeth managed.

He got closer to her and knelt down in front of her. She could feel the divinity radiating from him in a not so good way.

He grabbed her face and pulled her head up to look at him. She could barely make out any detail on his face. "You already know who I am," he said before dropping her head and slapping her across the face.

The scene changed. She was watching herself this time.

Percy was lying face up on the beach. His body was in a state that hers appeared to be in moments ago. War raged around them, Greeks and Romans fighting together to defeat monsters.

She leaned over him, touching his face. A little boy—no, her son, Adrian—was next to her, leaning over him too.

He poked at him. "Daddy, why are you sleeping?" he asked. She leaned over Percy's body and cried when he said that.

Horror ran over the present Annabeth. She's seen this dream before, or one very similar. But it was missing a part. She had trouble thinking of what it was.

The older dream, she was pregnant, now she wasn't. The rest was remotely the same. But why was Percy dead? She remembered him going away somewhere and all of their kids saying their goodbyes. He promised to come back, but only after he defeated—

She woke up. She also screamed.

Percy, who was already awake, burst through the door with Riptide drawn. Luke came into the room soon after.

"I'm fine," she explained, covering her eyes from the sunlight that was streaming through the window. "Everything is fine."

"Luke," Percy said, "go back downstairs please." Luke didn't argue and turned around to go back downstairs.

Percy capped Riptide, "Nightmare?"

Annabeth nodded and stretched, "Yes."

"What was it about?"

She swallowed, "I think there is a new Titan on the rise."


Percy's POV:

Annabeth explained her dream in the most detail she could. The both of them decided they would deal with it later since it was only one dream so far.

Turns out Annabeth wouldn't be able to go to the doctor because Piper went into labor, which kind of took up Will's attention. Michael and Carson stayed at the Jackson's house. Frank and Hazel came over too with Emily so they could visit while waiting to hear back about Piper. Leo and Calypso joined them sometime later.

Hours later, Piper gave birth to their first girl, Aeliana Thalia Grace. They all visited with the Graces. Everyone thought it was sweet that the Zhang, Jackson, and Grace families all had baby girls so close in age. After an hour or so of everyone seeing the new baby, Annabeth got that look on her face. It was the look she got when she was trying to smile through something painful, the face she wore often recently.

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