Hey berries,This is my first story ever,So there will be lots of mistakes, You may not like some parts or maybe nothing. Please give me some ideas.BTW there is no ships,Because I see true friendship in between them.To be honest I am not a shipper.
Third Person's Pov "Appa we want to come to the war" Little Namjoon said "We know to fight"He added
"No, You are too young to came to the war"Appa said
" But-" Little Hoseok was cut by Eomma
"No Buts,The witch is trying to take the princesses from us,So you must be near them,Understand???"
*Sigh*"Ok" BTS said
"Well I know you are confused,right.Here is there past." Author said
The queen of universe and King of Vampires Fall in love. Even its against rule,they get married and had 11 children.(don't bring your dirty mind here😑). They named their kingdom as BangPink Kingdom. They girls had 4 sources of powers,which combined together to form the most powerfull source,Universe.While the 7 boys are vampires and they can heal and teleport. They lived happily But everything is gonna change today. the witch named Elizabeth is coming to BangPink Kingdom to a war,If she wins she needs there 4 daughters,So that she can rule this world,By using their power.Lets go back to the present time.
The fight begins but the witch uses the extra black magic which she steal from good witches.
"Elizebeth ,You can't steal others power" Appa said while laying down on the ground.
*Evil laugh*"Ohh really,do you think I care?"Elizabeth said.
"Oppa,please go and save Appa and Eomma" Little Rosé said with teary eyes
"But they asked as to be with you girls" Little Jimin said
"We can protect ourselves,please go,I don't wanna lost them"Little Lisa said with teary eyes "But what if she kidnapped You,Here wear this so we will be able to find you even if you went missing" Little Jin said while giving this...
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"Yes,We are sure that it will not safe to leave you girls alone." Little Hoseok said
"Ok ok we will wear it But now go fast" Little Jennie said Then BTS teleport But suddenly Blackpink feel a strong sting in their back of the neck and everything blackout.
Yoongi's Pov
"What are you doing here,Didn't we said to you to protect the princesses!!!!" Appa said
"But we can't lose you"I said
" Hun Lets go look them,I feel something is wrong"Eomma said
"Lets go quickly,my sons are strong they can of course defeat her easily" Appa said the last sentence proudly and they teleport to the palace
Third Person's Pov They went inside the palace just to find their daughters missing
"Noo!!!!!!My daughter,I know they are here......Princesses~ "Eomma shout while crying.