part 11: Human on the loose

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"Uck. Excellent."

Holly grimaced as she turned to the direction of the voices, and found two other Ameythysts running upto her. "Holly, we've got a situaaation..?" her words trailed off once her eyes trailed to you standing beside her. Their eyes slowly widening in alarm as they got a good look at you.

"Whoa. As that the newbie?" One asked, almost instantly forgetting her urgency as her eyes looked you up and down to confirm what she was seeing.

Holly scoffed and rolled her eyes impatiently. "Yes, it is." She responded curtly. Almost instantly, bright, goofy smiles burst across the purple gem's faces, and they began laughing in a rather excited way.

"Aw sick! I told you the rumors were true!" The other one exclaimed to her companion, her eyes twinkling with awe and excitement. She took a step closer and leaned forward slightly. "Can you still talk?"

You smiled politely at the curious gems. But before you could confirm the question, you were cut off by a large blue hand smacking into your face as Holly blue impatiently stepped forward. "Nevermind this!" She snapped, pushing you back making the two purple gems snap back into attention. "Just tell me what happened!"

"Oh, right!" The gems fumbled over their words as the attempted to remember what had transpired. "Uhm-- we were notified of a disturbance in the zoo-" one Ameythyst explained hurriedly, while her companion finishes with a weary note, "--And when the doors opened a human darted out at the last minute..."

You had to repress a snort of amusement. Smart creature.

"Oh for Diamond's sake! How could you let such a unintelligible creature slip away so easily!?" Holly huffed angrily, slapping her hand into her forehead. You flinched at the sudden raise in volume and the two Ameythysts cringed at the blue gem's flare in temper. "Can't you lousy earth chunks do anything right??"

You frowned in sympathy at the two soldiers who withered on the spot at her words, exchanging guilty frowns between each other. It's not like they have full experience with those earthlings...

You may not have a full grip on the details of homeworld just yet, but with how restrictive and meticulous this place is, you could only assume these gems likely never had a chance to even see human with their own eyes. They couldn't possibly know in the slightest as to how to effectively treat an organic.

It wasn't fair... earth-forms are just as capable as being useful as the rest of the gems of this empire... You thought with a slight glare.

...In fact...

"Do you at least know where that thing went so we can deal with it??" Holly asked, crossing her arms impatiently.

The Ameythysts exchanged another glance between each other. "I-it uh... ran towards the direction of the guard quarters last time we saw!"

"Hmph... well then, you-" She was cut off by you abruptly moved forward, pushing past the two Ameythysts with a dull Thump, almost knocking them off balance.

"Wha-!? Where do you think you're going!?" Holly called in a haste as you began to started to gallop down the extensive hallway. "Get back here, you beast!" her loud voice echoed off the shiny walls, but even so, you were already too far away for her words to even reach you. The two Ameythysts stood in a stupor of stunned awe and confusion as they saw your shape disappear into a distance.

"What was that about?" One Ameythyst asked out loud. Her colleague shrugged. "Maybe it's a corrupt gem thing..."

They were brought back to attention by a harsh THWACK! in the back of their heads as Holly suddenly punched the two upside their heads. "Instead of standing there like idiots, why don't you both go after that thing before it causes us anymore trouble!?" Holly exclaimed, now barely able to contain her boiling frustrations at the two gems, seeing that let yet ANOTHER simple-minded creature slip out of their grips.

At the order, both gems recollected themselves and saluted the gem with a quick "Yes Holly!" and bolted off into the direction you went, almost tripping over themselves as they did.

Holly groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Blue Diamond's mercy knows no bounds indeed.."

Guard quarters, guard quarters....

You chanted in your head, your eyes scanning every wall you passed in search of this so-called guard quarters. You were determined to find and contain this human. Maybe if you were to succeed in catching one of these things, it would bring slack to your fellow earthlings.

But, considering that this was your first time here, you couldn't exactly pinpoint where the guard quarters even was. All of hallways seemed to look the same, and at some point you were convinced you were going in a circle. After about 10 minutes of aimless wandering, you slowed speedy trot to a stop, a light whine droning in your throat at the realization that you were likely not getting anywhere.

Ugh... I didn't think this one through... you mentally facepalmed, looking around the massive corridors, raising your muzzle up to try and scent the air, hoping to at least get something out of your efforts.

Sure enough, you manage to catch the faintest of smells in the still air. And to your surprise, you were actually familiar with it. It was sweet and faintly fruity fragrance.

Is that... flower smell?

"Go away!"

And as if on cue, the sound of a small voice calling from somewhere down the corridor. You snapped to attention, letting out a small gasp of surprise. Straining your metaphoric ears, you leaned forward, you listened further to confirm your beliefs.

"We don't want to hurt you!"

"We just need to get you back to the Zoo!"

"We promise, it'll be quick and easy!"

"No! I don't wanna go back!"

"Ow, it bit me!"

Well I'll be darned, this plan might work out after all... With a smile of relief, you ran towards the source of the voices.

A bit impulsive maybe, but a friendly reminder that you're still a corrupt gem whose thought process is still developing; therefore you make questionable decisions.

(Alternate) Homeworld x Corrupt gem readerWhere stories live. Discover now