part 12: organic surprise...!

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You finally come up to a wide, purple hexagonal door with a diamond symbol etched in the middle of it. From the sound of the muffled commotion in there, it must be the place.

You walked upto the door, and with a loud mechanical hiss, it slid open revealing a gathering of the purple gems, with a few orange and red ones speckled here and there. They were clustered up in one spot of the large cubby space. A few that had heard the door open, turned their heads to the source and of course, gasped once they saw your large fuzzy form in the doorway. Soon enough, the whole room was alerted to your presence and within minutes, everything fell into a shocked silence as dozens of pairs of wide eyes stared at you in either disbelief, awe, confusion and/or fear.

You froze, feeling rooted to the spot from the sheer amount of eyes trained on you.

Well... this is awkward.

As you stood there, trying to think of something to say, a soft noise broke you out of your shy stupor.

It sounded like... sniffling?

Taking your attention off the staring, you tilted your head and found yourself starting to analyze the soft noise.

From what you've heard, the only voices you've grown associated to was the gruff deepness of a jasper, the smooth elegance of a diamond, and the soft or nasaly pitch of a pearl. Overall, nearly every voice you heard were smooth, mature and professional. Heck, even the pebbles had a deep, mature pitch of voice.

This one was much too high to fit any of the voices you've heard. No, this voice... it sounded young...

...And for some reason, you found yourself feeling an odd pull in your chest from hearing it.

Unconsciously you entered the room, slowly walking towards the noise, hardly noticing the mass of gems hastily scurrying out of your path, some even climbing the cubby walls to avoid the risk of provoking you.

Sure enough, once the mass clears, you do indeed find a human. But, it wasn't anything you were expecting. This human was... a lot younger than you anticipated... very young....

In fact... it was...

A Child

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A Child...?

"H-hey... uh... you're... not planning on eating it, are ya..?" you heard a meek voice speak from behind you. "Because it's... supposed to be for the zoo... and uh... I don't think you're allowed to eat humans that are from the zoo..."

The plead didn't quite reach you, as you stared down at the tiny human.

Luckily, you didn't feel any type of hunger. Instead you felt... dumbfounded.

It's been a while since you've seen anything other than gems, and thanks to your corruption dulling your mind, you actually managed to forget that humans were also capable of being small. This human was around the size of the red gem you managed to spot when you walked in.

...maybe shorter.

But the difference was most of the small gems you've seen never exactly looked so... delicate. And the only time they displayed submission is if they were in the presence of their superiors. And even so, they still did their best not to show the fear.

This was far different.

The fear showed quite visibly. From the way the human child whimpered and scuttled back further into the cubby hole without breaking eye contact, it was safe to say the poor thing was scared half to death.

"Er... hello...?" You uttered dumbly, as you leaned forward for a better look. This movement caused their trembling to intensify to the point it was visible. They clenched their eyes shut, causing the tears that they were holding back to spill down his cheeks as he covered their mouth with both hands to muffle their terrified sobs.

Again you felt the dull pull in your chest. You didn't quite understand the feeling, but all's you knew was that the organic cub needed to be comforted.

Slowly, you lowered yourself to the ground, until you were laying flay on your belly, ignoring the murmurs of the gems surrounding you.

"Isn't that the corrupted recruit?"

"I think so... but I kinda feel scared for the tiny human."

"What do you think she's planning on doing?"

"She's gonna eat it, I bet..."

You hardly even noticed the crowd as the small child cracked an eye open, appearing surprised that you haven't lunged at them yet. Your face softened into a look of sincerity. "Hello." You spoke again, this time you spoke softly, allowing the femininity to be more audible in your tone. "It's okay... (name) means no harm." The trembling in the small human started to subside, as they opened both eyes to look at you with uncertainty. You let out a soft purr at them, smiling as warmly as possible. "Yes... that's it. Just relax."

~~~~~~[3rd person view! :0]~~~~~~~

"Where is that insufferable beast!?"

Holly blue muttered contemptuously to herself as she stormed her way down the zoo corridors. It had been 30 minutes since she's sent those idiotic earth chunks to catch that hulking behemoth of a gem. What's the hold up??

"Gah, as great as my diamonds are, this has got to be the worst decision that has ever been made!" She ranted out loud. "Aside from giving Pink Diamond that dreadful planet that is..."

"Holly!" She looked up and found an Ameythyst running towards her.

"What happened now??" She asked, completely indignant with how everything was going. "Did you find the corrupt recruit?"

"I-I... yeah! And she-"

"Don't waste time explaining what it's doing!" Holly snapped throwing her arms up, having completely lost her patience. The Amethyst flinched from the outburst, but still stood tall and at attention. "Just take me to it before it does any damage!"

The Amethyst stood in a moment of hesitance, but saluted her respectfully with a firm nod. "Yes, Holly! R-Right this way!" She beckoned the irate blue gem to follow, to which Holly does with an angered stomp in her step.

"My diamond might be merciful, but thankfully I'm not..."

Yeah, I added a random child into this.

Sorry, but I couldn't just bring our original son in so early, yet I wanted to display that soft said of dear reader.

Don't worry, it'll work out.

Trust me. 😉

(Alternate) Homeworld x Corrupt gem readerWhere stories live. Discover now