How He Teases You

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Hi guys!

Sorry I've been absent for awhile, but I had a little bit of writers block. I will be back on my normal updating schedule! Thank you for reading!


Thomas: He will always take your hat, you wear it because it keeps your hair out of your face, and holds it above your head tauntingly. Since you are shorter than him, you are never able to get it unless you jump up.

Newt: Newt, no matter how strange it seems, will always blow in your face. He will just randomly do it too, there will be no warning. You really don't mind, unless he just woke up. Let's just say, Newt has VERY bad morning breath.

Minho: Sometimes whenever you are trying to catch up with him, he will purposely sprint away, leaving you to run after him some more. Eventually, he will stop, then walk over to you and gives you a kiss on the cheek.

Gally: Whenever you want to see Gally, you will walk over to him. But, him being Gally, will pick you up bridal-style and run around with you. He will not let you go until you give him a kiss.

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