Chapter 7: Tanarrus Invasion

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Another year passed, marking the fourth year that Dimitri and Fergus were part of the V.W.A. Some of them wanted to save the world from a threat, but they did not see any threats. They were about to get their wish...

Four years prior, in part of the boreal forest in Canada near the Pacific coast, a cult had summoned twenty four Tanarri, fiends whose essences were the overlap of chaos and evil, at once. The strongest one out of all of them was a unique entity that resembled something else, but had a lot of features that made him superior to those. While he had two normal eyes where they belonged on a humanoid head, he also had a third eye that was always open on the back of his head. Magic kept that eye wet even without an eyelid. All three were black, yet they glowed a dim red. He also had massive ears.

Where a human would have hair on their head, he had a lot of snakes that bit and poisoned anything or anyone that grabbed him or was grabbed by him.

Instead of arms, he had long tentacles with fingers on their ends. They were long enough to let him reach fifteen feet away from himself. The fingers had claws that acted like daggers. He also had a third tentacle emerging from his right side that caused his right shoulder to be dislocated at all times. It looked kind of like when a cyborg character from a movie series split his two arms into four, though the Tanarrus had this on just his right side. Emerging from his shoulder blades on his back, he had feathery wings like those of a bald eagle. His legs were quite long and springy, letting him run faster. Where the spine of a human ended, he had a tail that could act like a whip.

He tried to put on common clothes to maintain his modesty many years before he was summoned, and despite his unusual anatomy, it was intact. He also put on a suit of breastplate armor which did not slow him down and protected him a little more than his already tough skin did.

He wielded a greatsword that left one of his right hands open, so he used the free hand to claw at his enemies.

His name was Agthedar. With him, there were his twenty three servants, all weaker than him. Two of them were Tanarri with the lust for killing typical of Tanarri as well as cunning of a Baazetum, a fiend whose essence formed the overlap of order and evil. Three more were a kind of Tanarrus with the rage of an animal that embodied the violence of nature, though they were weaker than the ones with the cunning of Baazeta. Four more Tanarri that Agthedar had authority over were in the middle when it came to the strength of his servants, though they were useful as spies and messengers and could change their shape into that of many different kinds of animal. They were considered lesser Tanarri due to being weaker than most. Agthedar got six of the second weakest kind of Tanarrus to serve him. They were dumb but malicious, and they could use their bites, claws, or poison gas to kill things. Finally, Agthedar brought his eight Tanarri of the weakest type. They were once mortal beings dedicated to chaos and evil. He got all of them to serve him because he could kill any that refused to obey.

For four years, they warped the land around them. Agthedar had to keep all of them in a square area six miles to any direction. The world recoiled from the presence of their malice, though they were weak enough that it took them that long. The strongest of Tanarri could have done it in a month, but even though Agthedar was not under the rule of one of those, he was still determined to bring about those changes. Many of the plants became twisted, glaring faces appeared in patterns of leaves, vines moved on their own, and tree branches withered as tumors grew instead of leaves. The bodies of water in the area became poisonous, and the weather became very hot in contrast to most of Canada. The news reported what had happened four years after they arrived, going into detail about the changes, and Hildigunn convinced the other leaders of the V.W.A. to stop them. Her argument was that if they stopped these creatures before the situation got worse, they could be thought of as heroes and be accepted.

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