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"Make it hurt tonight.", I said to Eli, with my head down and my eyes cast to the floor. I was kneeling with my hands resting lightly in front of me. It was calming. I could feel the weight of the tight braid in my hair and my breath straining against the tightly laced leather corset that I was wearing.

Acid washed jeans came into the periphery of my vision. I didn't dare look up. Not because I didn't want to but because I was too well trained to make that mistake. It would result in the displeasure of my master and I couldn't bear him displeased with me. I loved his praise too much. Instead, I contented myself by looking at his feet, the delicate network of bluish veins, the square-shaped nails, the light dusting of hair. One would never have noticed these things otherwise.

"Look up.", he whispered but I shivered at the absolute command in his voice. There would be no arguing that tone. This was the voice that had driven me to madness so many times.
I looked him squarely in the eye to meet clear, blue eyes. The color of the calm ocean. In many ways, he was the calm in my tempestuous world. He was my anchor, had always been there for me to fall back on.

"Why?", he inquired. He would always ask me to gauge what I wanted. I loved him for it. I loved that he cared not only outside but also during a scene.

"Everything hurts since he is back.", I told him in a choked voice as memories of the past haunted me. Laughter. Grey eyes and stolen moments.

"He has stolen my dreams. He is everywhere. It hurts.", I told him like a child needing reassurance.

"Then we will take back every piece of you he has stolen. I order you to give your pain to me. Let me carry it for you, pet.", he murmured stroking my hair gently. I turned my entire head into his palm almost purring at the affection he showered on me. I could go into subspace just like this.
A sharp tug on my hair had me blinking again.

The pain cleared my head as I came back to Earth.

"Not so fast. Pet.", he chuckled. "We have only just begun to play. What are your safe words?"

"I know my safe words.", I sassed back too annoyed by the lack of contact to realize what I had just done.

The palm came sharply across my face before I could apologize.
"Behave.", was the order that came along with arched eyebrows and a haughty look.

I was chastised enough.
"I'm sorry, maître.", I said not daring to lift my hand and rub my stinging cheek. I also knew that he loved it when I called him by the French version of 'master'. It was a deliberate move to please him. It worked.

His eyes softened for a minute.
"So beautiful wearing my mark on your skin.", he said gazing at the red handprint on my cheek.
"Open your mouth.", he ordered. He put two fingers in my mouth and pushed them inside.

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