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“Did you find anything on the bartender?”, I asked, the moment Angelo stepped into my office. He walked with the grace of  a panther, his heels tap-tapping on the cold stone tiles of my office.
“I am fine, Sultana darling. Thank you so much for asking.”, he sassed back. His long black, oversized trench coat was fashionable and chic. He wore a snakeskin fanny pack across his chest. One tiny earring winked at me from his left ear. He looked one of those timelessly chic Parisians, ready for a day out. Oh! Yes and if my guess was right, he was wearing Gucci's latest spring/summer collection. Angelo was a fashionista if I ever knew one.
I set my pen down on the table and looked up at him with my resting bitch face.
“How do you like my new look? ”, he asked animatedly.
“This is not a good time to banter, Angelo. Tell me what you know.”
“Buzzkill.”, he muttered.
He smoothed his hands over his thighs and sat in front of me.
“The bartender said that he had served him 3 or 4 drinks. The bar was quite crowded that night. He does not remember the exact number.”
“Did he hear any of their conversation, even in the passing?”
“No. He wasn’t looking hard enough. It took him three tries to even guess that they were at his bar.”
“And the CCTV footage?”, I prompted unwilling to let it go.
“The Grand are withholding it. Apparently, they cannot release the footage without comprising their clients’ privacy.”, he held his hands up.
“But this is an investigation. They cannot withhold evidence.”
“Oh, yes they can. And believe me I just had a conversation with their lawyer. She was scary. Apparently, they have influential clients in influential places, who might just tip their fingers and we would lose our jobs. Bitch wasn’t even subtle about it.”, he said his eyes growing big as saucers.
“What about a warrant?”
“It will take about a week and more than that, the detective on the case will have to review it first. It will be too late by the time you even get it in your hand.”
“So you’re suggesting that I have no option but to let them win.”
“No.. No… you misunderstand, darling.”, he tried to placate me.
“That is exactly what this means. Look at it any way, Nate's guilty. Unless we have that recording, it’s practically useless. That is our only way.”
“I will look again, Sultana. Listen, I get that this case is important to you. But, we have to give it time. Rape investigations go on for years before there is even a verdict. The chances of finding conclusive evidence is slim.”, he reiterated confirming what I already knew.
“We don’t have that kind of time. The longer we wait, the more Nate’s job is at risk. This will turn into a media frenzy, if news leaks.”
He quietened then curling an errant lock of hair between his fingers.
“I will look into some sources I have at the DA's office to see if I can speed a warrant, grease some palms, get the footage. I will get back to you tonight, I promise, darling. Cross my heart, hope to die”
Angelo looked deadly serious and I knew I could count on him. He would get back to me with proper evidence no matter what.
“Thank you, Angelo.”, I said gratefully.
“No, it won’t come for free of course.”, he winked.
“Name your price.”
“Introduce me at Sin.”, he laughed at my gaping face.
“You thought I didn’t know! My God, you really thought I was clueless. They don’t keep me employed at the Embassy for anything.”
“Are you stalking me Angelo?”, I accused.
“Nah! You are not that interesting. I was a little curious about you. That you are a sub surprises me. I mean you look like a control freak in the boardroom. I thought you would be a control freak in the bedroom as well. “
Genuine curiosity shone in his voice.
“Isn’t it always that way? Most if the subs I have seen are the most dominant people outside of the bedroom. You would wet your bed if you knew the amount of influential people who whimper like a cat at the feet of their doms. Sometimes giving up control is the only way to let go.”
He looked intrigued and queasy at the same time.
“We will talk about this later, carina. Got to run. But we will come back to this.”, he warned and was gone in the next moment.

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