Strung up and bound (Part 2)

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[AN/ Remember to request on the request page or in the comments! Really gives me nice ideas to make these two mfs to do! Love y'all enjoy <3]

Bendy's POV

That poor sucker! Really had me actin all desperate for him! As if I'd let my pride sink that low. I leave the wall through one of the many pentagrams Sammy drew up for me.

That idiot. That h-handsome, beautiful, little idiot.
I lean against the wall feeling my face heat up at the thought of him. I giggle. "Sammy you adorable dork~" I quickly slam my hands over my mouth. If someone heard that...

I hear clicking behind me as I swing around quickly. The Projectionist? HOW LONG HAS HE BEEN STANDING THERE.

He just blankly stares at me. Slowly backing up, turning the other direction, and he starts running. Smart of him to do so because when I get my hands on him.... I'M GONNA KILL HIM.

I run after him as he takes a sharp left entering a darker space. This isn't a problem because of the giant light that is his head. "YOU LITTLE RAT IF YOU EVEN THINK OF UTTERING A SOUND TO THE OTHERS ABOUT THI-"

He suddenly stops causing me to run into him and we go tumbling to the ground. The Projectionist, or P in shorter words, is under me looking around for a while before quickly realizing there's no escape.

"That's right you Projector with legs. You ain't getting off easy." I say holding his wrists to the ground.

"I'm gonna tear you into little bitty pieces if you ever think of trying to tell anyone about what you just heard from me." I get close to his face snarling. I'm sure I'm grinning wide.

P quickly shakes his head looking around. "I-iwanndgg"

He makes some sort of indescribable noise as if he's trying to talk. "What?"
P pushes his wrist forward as well as his head signaling to something.

"Up." He says in a broken and very static language. I look up to see someone standing in the doorway across from us.

"Oh. S-sam. H-hi." I say seeing the light hit that very iconic mask.

"Bendy." He says back in a tone very unlike his own then he turns the other direction and stomps off.

I feel some sort of guilt but I'm more worried about the rascal under me.
I get off of him and I pull him from the ground as he rubs his wrist. I look around us for a minute before spotting a small notepad and a inky covered pen. I scribble on the paper testing the pens ink.

I throw the materials to the confused thing and huff.
"Write out everything you saw and heard from me."
P nods and gets to work.

After a while of sitting around he hands me the notepad pointing at the words scribbled onto it. In very nice handwriting as well.

It read. "Don't get mad. I saw you leaning against the wall all girly like hugging yourself sighing all dreamily about Sammy. That's all I saw I swear."

I look over to P who's standing in place nervously holding his hands together. "That was all there was to see you sniffling brat."

I sigh. "Just. Just don't tell anyone about this. Would ruin my rep." P put his hands up and shook his head.

He put his hands out signaling for the notebook again. I put it in his hands and waited again. P then handed the notebook back to me.

"Don't get mad. Do you love Sammy Lawrence?"

I stomp upon looking at this message. I felt the same warmth spread across my face. P backs up alarmingly.

"I-im not mad. Just incredibly disappointed." I say holding my face.

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