The beginning..?

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Ok, now you may be confused about how this happened. Let me just sum it up for you. My name is Fujimo Kashimaka. I'm a Korean 26 year old thief who is in a game show. Now, you might be wondering, 'Fujimo, how did stealing the ruler's crown become apart of a game show?!?' And to that I say, read the book. Duh.

Anyways, let's get to the story now.
It all started when I was getting ready for my job at a bakery, when the mailman came and... dropped off my mail. What did you expect from that. Anyways, I went to work with it in my pantry (I don't know why it was in there) and when I got to work, I heard my friends talking about all of the mail they got today, not there taxes, but a poster that said " DO YOU WANT TO RULE THE COUNTRY?!?" Me, an intellectual, thought it was a scam. But then I called the number on the poster. Worst thing to have done in all of my human existence.
   "Hey, you calling for ruling the country?"
   "Are you a scam? Why did I get your poster in my mail?"
   "It's not a scam. We will bring you to the tournament tonight."
   "Hey, I never said-" hung up. Great. I'm going to be kidnapped for something I never agreed to. This is like the Pancakes Official Game show. Except I'm the player. I went to sleep. Another horrible fucking move.

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