Shooting master inbound?

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Me and Onaga had booked it, and she broke her ankle from a gun shot. I carried her the rest of the way, and at one point we found the crown. She had asked at the beginning, "Hey, can we share the crown with someone?" But, sadly, they said no. So, naturally, as being the man-woman of the relationship...

I let her have the crown, and that she got to shoot me to rule all of North Korea.

But her, also being a good girlfriend...

Also made her want to sacrifice herself for me. Of course, we fought over who got the crown, but then, out of the blue...

Someone shot her in the back of the head.
"Well, guess you are single now." They said while laughing at me. But then, when they were crying from laughing too much, I had shot them. They had died, luckily. But during then, someone had grabbed the crown.

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