Chapter Ⅰ

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Elora wasn't in the best mood. Truth is, Elora hasn't been in a good mood since her mom died and her and her twin, Will, were separated. It's been almost six years since she's seen him. Elora and Will's twelfth birthday was in a couple of days. Elora couldn't explain how much she missed him, it seemed like the more Will and Elora were separated, the more Elora crumbled. Elora kicked the practice dummy she was using and the head ripped right off the fake body. Elora yelled out in annoyance and kicked the now decapitated head away from her. She looked up at the sky,

"What have I done to deserve this?" She glared at the clouds, "What did I do to get Will and I separated for six years? Huh?"

Elora suddenly heard twigs snap behind her, she grabbed her bow and knocked an arrow. "Who's there?" She turned in a full circle, she heard the rustling of leaves and saw two figures emerge from the forest. They looked like a bunch of ugly grandpas that just came back from the dead, but three times larger and had 6 arms.

"This is not the girl we are looking for," One of the grandpas said to the other,

"Yes but maybe we could kill this one and the master will be happy," The other guy said,

"No, Kronos said to kill the friend of that Jackson guy and not to let anyone get in the way."

Elora put her bow away, "Woah fellas, how about we just don't kill anybody?"

The two creatures laughed, "Puny demigod, if we went back to Kronos without doing what he told us, we would get sent back to Tartarus."

"Where are you hiding her?" The other guys said,

Elora chuckled awkwardly, "Uh, who?"

"Sadly, we must kill you young demigod since you are in the way," The same guy as before sighed, he and the other monster created a bunch of crazy sharp rocks in their hands.

"Ha! I don't think so," The two creatures threw the rocks and Elora just stood in her place. Before the rocks could even hit her, they crumbled into little pebbles, the two guys looked at her in disbelief,

"What! How—" One of the dudes said,

"You know, it's not very smart to attack someone with an element she can control," Elora said while checking her nails. She used her other hand to break open the earth under the two creatures, they fell and Elora quickly sealed the crack and smashed the two monsters into dust.

"You know you can't stay here forever Ellie," A voice from behind her said,

"Dad," Elora responded blankly, she turned, "What are you doing here? You haven't visited me in six years,"

"I'm here to take you to camp," Apollo said in a neutral tone.

Elora's head spun, "Camp? What camp?"

Her dad just smiled, "You'll see. Come on."

Elora followed her dad to the city. Apollo had gotten a cab and told the driver the location. He told Elora that camp was in Manhattan, Elora lived in Maine so it was pretty far away.

"You sure this is the right place, Sir?" The taxi driver asked Apollo,

"Yes, thank you." Elora's dad handed the driver the money. Elora followed him up a hill, Elora's breath hitched when she got to the top of the hill.

"It's beautiful," Elora whispered.

The god smiled, "Come on," We headed down the hill where a couple of people had walked over. A boy with sea green eyes and black hair was in the lead of the group, his ankle wrapped up like he'd been in a recent battle.

Elora Stone and The Box of Punishments: The Cage of StrifeWhere stories live. Discover now