Chapter VI

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"You want me to make a license plate?" Leo chuckled.

"Yeah." Elora shrugged.

"And where are we going to get the car for this plate?" Leo sat down.

"At a car dealership duh." Elora started working on their ID's.

"You do know that you need a license to drive right?"

"That's what I'm doing right now."

Leo looked at her bewildered, "And what about you? Even if we do get to the border, aren't they going to question who you are?"

"Not if your older, 20 year-old sister is there." Elora smirked.

"How on earth are you going to—oh nevermind." Leo smiled. "But then why aren't you driving?" Leo got to work on the plate.

"I can fake an injury if I want to. I can't drive if I have a broken leg now can I?" Elora chuckled.

"Okay." Leo shrugged and laughed.

"Wait..." Elora turned around in her chair. "You're okay with all this?"

"Yeah." Leo said, as if it were nothing.

"Seriously? I thought you would be like 'Ellie this is dumb, we shouldn't do this.' Or find some other way to talk me out of it."

"Nope." Leo shook his head. "I'm totally cool with it." Elora just stared at Leo, "What?" He chuckled.

"Nothing I guess." Elora slowly turned back to the computer. Elora started making their IDs, licenses, passports and all the other things they would need to get over the border.

When Elora finished everything, Leo came over with a water bottle. "We missed dinner but I'm sure we can stop somewhere along the way."

"All we need now is money for gas and other things." Elora nodded.

"We better go tell Chiron then."

The two made their way to the Big House and knocked on the door. "Elora, Leo, what are you two doing here?" Chiron answered the door.

"We came to tell you that we're leaving tonight." Elora took a deep breath. "To Mexico."

Chiron's face darkened slightly, "Come in." They went in and sat on the couch. "Have you two planned on how you may get through the border?"

"Yeah." Elora started, "I've made ID's and everything. All we need now is money for gas and food."

"Gas?" Chiron frowned.

"We're going by car. We won't be stopping until we get to Texas." Leo leaned back.

"To make us less noticeable." Elora added. "From Luke."

"I hope you're right about this." Chiron frowned. Suddenly Argus came in with a briefcase. "I hope you two have wallets."

The two demigods brought out their makeshift wallets that Leo had made, Argus held out his hand for their debit cards that Elora had made to make it seem like they were older than they really were. Argus inserted The cards into a reader and then handed them back. He also brought out a few hundred dollar bills and gave a couple to them as well as a pouch of drachmas. "Thanks." Leo smiled.

"You two must be careful on your journey." Chiron warned. "It won't be as simple as you plan. Things will happen that will take you by surprise."

"We understand." Elora nodded.

"Then you must be off. I will tell the others where you went. Argus will be waiting in the car to drive you where you need to go." Chiron nodded.

"Thank you Chiron." Elora and Leo stood and left. "We need to stop at the infirmary." Elora told Leo once they were outside. He nodded and they walked to the small building.

"Will?" Elora called out once inside.

"Over here!" Will replied.

They walked into an empty resting room where Will was cleaning up. "Hey, what's up?" Will stopped.

"Hey, do you have a pair of crutches we can borrow?" Elora asked him.

"Uh yeah, why?" Will dug through a closet and brought some crutches out.

"We just need some props to make it look like I have a broken leg." Elora shrugged.

"We're going to Mexico." Leo explained.

"You guys having your honeymoon already?" Will asked wide eyed.

Elora yelped, "No! We're going on a quest you idiot." Both her and Leo's faces were flustered. Elora hid her face in her hands to hide the redness.

"Oh, okay then." Will smirked.

Elora got up and grabbed a sack, placing rolls of bandages inside, along with ambrosia and nectar. "We better get going then." Elora stated and Leo nodded.

"Be safe." Will hugged his twin.

"I will." Elora smiled softly in the hug.

Will pulled away, "No dying."

"No dying." Elora smiled bigger.

"Don't do anything dumb." Will ordered, taking a quick glance at Leo.

"We're leaving now." Elora groaned and turned away. "Tell Sasha we'll be back in a week."

"You got it." Will smiled.

"Bye!" Elora called out.

"Bye." Will laughed.

The two grabbed their things and headed to the car where Argus was waiting for them on the other side of Half Blood hill. They drove into the city and Argus dropped them off at a car dealership like Elora had instructed. "Thanks Argus." the man just nodded and drove off.

"So..." Leo started, he motioned to the cars. "Take your pick." 

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