Chapter VII

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They ended up choosing a 2008 Acura TSX as their vehicle. Leo had attached the license plate on it and got into the car with Elora. "So how are we going to turn on the car?" Leo asked.

Elora typed a few things in on her computer and a key printed out on the side. "With this." She grabbed a few things from her bag and made a keychain. "There. This way it looks like we didn't just steal a car."

She handed the keys to Leo who turned on the car and smiled. "This is going to be a great trip."

"Okay so..." Elora started once they were on the road, "I've done the math and we should only have to stop for gas around seven times."

"Oh wow. That's way less than I thought we'd have to stop." Leo chuckled.

"Seriously?" Elora smiled.

"Yeah." Leo sighed out. It was quiet for a moment, "You know..." Elora looked at him, "Even though we've known each other for a few months, I call you my best friend and I feel like I know everything about you but I don't."


"Yeah, I mean I know a few things like how yellow is your favorite color, and I know about your powers and I know you like to wander around camp when you're bored..." They both laughed. "But that's all I really know."

"Alright, what do you want to know about me then?" Elora smiled softly.

"Favorite food?"

"My mom's banana bread."

"Favorite movie?"

"Either Bedtime Stories or Mamma Mia."

"What's something Will can do that you can't?" Leo smirked.

"Uhm..." Elora thought for a moment. "Oh! Will has Audiokinesis, which is where he can make a sharp whistle-like sound that can temporarily stun people. Yeah, it's so cool. He also knows a few curses as well." She smiled.

"I guess that I shouldn't mess with him then?"

"Yeah, Will would probably curse you if you did something to him." Elora chuckled.

"Okay, serious question. Iron Man or Captain America?"

"Are you seriously asking me that? Captain America."

"What? No way. Iron Man is way better."

"He doesn't have any powers. Cap does."

"Yeah but Iron Man is rich and has a lot of cool inventions. He can literally control his suit from home."

"Cap was a military soldier though. And he is the oldest Avenger." Elora argued.

"And Iron Man made an invention to keep him alive."

"Okay, okay fine. How about this? Batman or Superman?" Elora smirked.

"Superman. Easy." Leo shrugged.

"What?! Batman is way better."

"He doesn't have any powers!" Leo laughed. "He's basically the DC version of Iron Man."

"So? Batman has more enemies than Superman and he's worked with more people than Superman."

The two went back and forth for a few hours. "Alright. How 'bout we call it a tie?" Leo suggested.

"A pause." Elora smirked. "There will be a time where I will bring this back up."

"Deal." Leo chuckled. He turned on the radio.

"The news? Really?" Elora smiled.

"Hey, I want to hear how messed up our world is okay. You'd be surprised at what dumb things they put on here." Leo shrugged.

By the time they first stopped in Fort Defiance, Virginia, it was already 3 am.

Leo got out and stretched, "First stop, check."

"You sure you don't want me to drive?" Elora frowned.

"Nah I'm sure. Once the tank is full, we can go get some snacks and drinks." Leo smiled. Elora looked at the road warily, Leo frowned, "You good?"

"I just think it's strange how we haven't had any run-ins with monsters yet." Elora frowned, not looking away from the road.

Leo placed the gas nozzle back into its holder. "Even if we do run into monsters, they stand no chance against us." Leo smiled cheekily, "We're the dynamic duo. Nothing can stop us."

"You're probably right." Elora sighed.

"Come on, let's go get something to eat. I'm starving." Leo groaned, Elora giggled softly.

They entered the gas station which wasn't very full. They decided to split up to get drinks and snacks. Elora went to the snack aisle and started picking out some of the things she and Leo wanted. A teen girl was also in the aisle but Elora didn't pay much attention to her.

"Hey Ellie," Leo came into the aisle, "What did you want to drink?"

"Uh, just a Dr. Pepper would be fine." Elora shrugged.

"Got it." Leo gave a thumbs up and left.

"You two are such a cute couple." The teen smiled.

"Oh no we're not a couple. We're just friends." Elora corrected her.

"A friend wouldn't be willing to drive the two of you to Mexico from Manhattan..." The girl noted.

Elora thought about what she said but by the time she realized what had happened it was too late. She got pinned to the wall and was staring into the red eyes of an empousa. "Such a fine and handsome friend you've got over there. He will be very tasty." The empousa snarled.

Elora kicked the girl away and got in a fighting stance. "I'd at least like to know the name of my opponent."

"It's Kelli." The empousa smirked.

"Well Kelli, you're gonna have to forgive me but I have to send you back where you came from. Tartarus." Elora blasted fire at the empousa which did absolutely nothing.

"Ha! Not even a scratch." Kelli cackled.

"Well I certainly wasn't going to have all the fun." Elora smirked. Suddenly a small bomb disintegrated Kelli into gold dust. "You're late." Elora crossed her arms and looked at Leo.

"I'm sorry. I had to fix the soda machine so I could get your Dr. Pepper." Leo exaggerated.

"Uh huh, right." Elora nodded slowly.

Leo held out the drink, "You want it or not Sunshine?" Elora glared at him for a moment before swiftly grabbing the drink from his hands. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Leo smirked.

"I hate you."

"Love you too Sunshine." Leo chuckled and grabbed a couple bags of chips.

Soon they were back on the road again, but only to find themselves in a traffic jam on the highway. "How is there a traffic jam? It's 3:30 in the morning!" Leo exclaimed. "On a Tuesday!"

"You said it yourself, the world is messed up." Elora chuckled.

"No kidding." Leo scoffed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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