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Seeing hands together while their bodies are hanging was never a good dream but come on me? Have a good dream? Someone must be fucking with me again. Not to mention I had another migraine, just great what did I drink this time.

My eyes were even tightly shut prying them open would be easy if my hands wern't tied. The feeling of rough rope around my wrist as my fingers grab the hand rest of the chairs give off a feeling of nostalgia, it makes me want to gag

What's the point in putting all my energy to my damn eyes when we all know the scenario is too similar. I bet his just another victim a while ago that got obsessed but then they were all in prison, or a mental ward. Sleek foot steps entered the room and the click of the door signaled that I was locked in.

"Strange, I thought I saw you struggle. Open your eyes your not blindfolded, I want to see how you struggle for you life" Ha, even his voice sounds hot. Count it to me to think foot steps and someone's voice was hot. I'd most likely develop a foot fetish after this.

"I would love to open my eyes if you turn the damn light off. Jeez, don't you even have some sort of hospitality? Kidnapping someone the least you could do is make sure they see the sight of the last person who saw them in a dimly lit room."

"Your file was right you sound completely like a daddy's girl. Feeding off rich men's money is easy right? Much better than my job to kill people who have done anything wrong." More of his sleek footsteps and another click. Now my eyes have manged to work properly and opened.

"That's Miss Rich girl to you. By the way all the money I own is from working in law firms not spreading my legs to rich accountants." My eyes trail to the room we were in which was some sort of lobby, everything screamed old fashion which was comforting in the means of this guy is still gonna kill you.

"You talk a lot for a woman that's about to be killed. Or do you take you life lightly?" Opening the curtains letting some natural light in. He turned around to face me and damn I was right he was hot. Dark hair that almost fell over his eyes and dark dark brown eyes that were locked on to a glare.

"Been there done that. You honestly think your the first one that was about to kill me? This is merely an experience I'm about to encounter yet again. Nothing more than a false accuse." I watched him move around getting the things he needed. His gun was lightly placed on the coffee table as he got things ready. He sat down in front of me and took a sit of coffee.

"I know, you piss off a lot of people." He doesn't look at me or even make a move to look at me. Who is he to blame? I look like a mess at this moment since last night was when he abducted me it would mean that my hair is a mess and my make up would be all over the place.

"That reminds me of Al. I broke him good got him locked up in jail fro trying to kill a house of orphans I visited because they took our time. He became so obsessed he became sloppy at work. His set to rot in prison as long as he lives. Too bad he killed himself since not seeing me in worse that death."

"Your memories are interesting, tell me more. I'd love to know what kind of a person you are before you die." He claimed teasingly. Leaning in now resting his head on his palm. His eyes were still emotionless like mine was covering everything that was not need to see.

"I remember my parents fighting when I was nothing but a young child. What was it again? Oh yeah, my father cheated again." I locked into his eyes seeing that nothing seemed to affect his state of mind. I love a challenge.

"Oh, Well I guess that's enough. Any more sassy comebacks before I drive a bullet in your brain?" Now he dropped his drink down and had some time to load his gun. I mean how am I even suppose to move when I'm tied up?

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