Chapter 2.

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Hey lovelies,

Thank you for all the support! Your words and votes mean a lot.

Hope you enjoy this one. Chapter dedicated to Tsklareski. Happy belated Birthday present!

See you soon,

AliciaRuby90 xx

Elle POV

I snapped the hood of my trunk closed as I turned to face Noah. It had been an emotional twenty four hours. There had been a lot of talking and a lot of listening. I had told him about everything he had missed out on during the summer, even though he was there.

I told him about my Dad and Linda and how I really missed my Mum.

I told him about how tired I was working so much, when all I really wanted to do was just relax.

I told him about the bucket list with Lee and how it just wasn't fun anymore in the end.

I told him about the moment that I realised that I didn't want to go to Harvard or Berkley and that deep down, I was okay with that.

I told him about the conversation with Marco and that he was having a gap year in New York.

I told him about saying goodbye to everyone and how much I would miss them.

I told him about my interview with USC and how nervous I was, because I wanted it so bad.

And finally, I told him that even though he hurt me and (realistically) I had hurt him, I was okay with him walking away. It had to happen. I needed to realise what exactly I needed to do for me without either Noah or Lee. I needed to work out what was going to make me happy. I guess in Noah coming back, someone was saying that yeah, I could have what I wanted and what was going to make me happy. Maybe I needed to lose him in order to find myself? It's crazy how things play out. But you just need to trust the process I guess?

I leaned against my car as Noah's arms wove around my waist. 'All set?'

I nodded as I pulled my sunglasses from my face and let them rest atop my head, 'I need to talk to my Dad. I need to explain everything that's going on'

'He hates me doesn't he?', Noah grimaced and I shook my head quickly. 'No, I don't think he hates you. I just don't think he's a fan of the way you go about things'

Noah processed my words, as he hugged me tighter before resting his chin against my head, 'Yeah, I'm not a fan of my choices either. I probably should talk to him..'

'I think he needs to hear it from me first. I've got a lot of explaining to do and I need to kind of clarify the whole USC thing'

'You didn't tell him?', Noah asked and I shook my head, 'I did. Kinda. But I'm certain I know what I want know, so I should let him know. When do you need to head back to Boston?'

'I've delayed my flight till the end of the week, so Friday. I need to be back before training starts and get everything ready to go before classes start the following week'

We had a couple of days to still try and work this out.

'My interview is on Tuesday, so maybe you can just hold me until you leave on Friday. Like, cause I'm going to do so bad and they'll reject me', I joked as I buried my face in his chest. I could hear the smile in his voice, 'Look, I'm happy to hold you either way....but I don't think your going to bomb this interview'

He pulled me back and lifted my chin as he planted a soft kiss on my lips, 'You'll be fine. They'll know talent when they see it'

'You have to say that - your my boyfriend', I laughed as he joined in, 'Yes I am!'

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