Chapter 13

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SURPRISE! You knew I was going to do this. And a longer chapter this time....

Usual deal, if you think it deserves it - leave it some love. 

Hope everyone who celebrates Easter has a lovely break! 

Stay safe. See you soon. 

AliciaRuby90 x

Chapter 13

Elle POV

'And we are done!' Alexa sighed, as she leaned back in her chair. I let out a breath that I didn't even realise that I was holding and followed suit. Exams were over and we had officially made it to winter break.

'How did you go?' Hannah asked quickly, as the room started to ease with people dashing for the exit. Some looked happy, others looked sick but we all looked so exhausted. It had been a hectic two weeks with classes either sitting exams or Professor's wanting assignments handed in before the break. I thought High School was hectic, but it was nothing compared to College. My glasses had been glued to my face the last two weeks as I finished off essays and games that needed to be submitted, and worked on designs for things that I had to develop. I really didn't want to have to do anything over winter break related to school, so I knuckled down for two weeks. Boston recharged me and I came back to LA feeling more refreshed than I had felt in along time. I didn't know what it was.

I grabbed my phone from my bag, quickly switching it on, before dumping the rest of my things into it and hoisting it onto my shoulder. 'Okay, I think'.

'It's done! I don't want to think about it anymore', Alexa argued as we followed each other out into the hallway and back outside to campus.

My phone buzzed in my hand and I quickly saw messages coming in that had been sent while I was sitting my exam. A few were from Lee and a few from Noah. Both were finishing up at Harvard and Berkley, with Lee flying in late tomorrow night and Noah the day after. As usual, it was June who was hosting Christmas this year and it was set to be spectacular as usual. There seemed to be some good news floating around and apparently this Christmas was going to be heavy on the announcements.

I quickly pulled my hair up and replied to both Lee and Noah about how my exam went, distracted, before I pulled myself back into the group conversation.

'Hang on. Catch me up!', I said tossing my phone into my bag.

'We were just saying that we should do something tonight to celebrate.....', Hannah added. 'Alexa and Spencer don't have to fly out till tomorrow morning and Elliot and I are both driving home tomorrow afternoon.....or whenever we can be bothered....'

'So......' I grinned, catching on to what they were alluding to.

'Soooooooooo', Alexa laughed, as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 'Since you have you gorgeous apartment. Hannah and I are going to get the food. The boys will get the drinks and we will be at yours around 6ish to toast to surviving USC!'

I laughed, as Spencer mumbled under his breath, 'Smooth Alexa', before turning to me. 'That's only if your cool with it Elle?', he asked.

'All good!', I conceded. 'Besides, I was going to offer anyway'

Alexa clapped her hands together, 'Yay. This is going to be so much fun!'


Christmas carols played from my TV as a lot of food pretty much lined every surface of my kitchen. The girls had gone overboard, insisting that tonight indulgence was the theme and we had worked our asses off and deserved to celebrate. It had been a great night, so far. 

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