The Boys On My Door

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Her sweet but psycho husband-2

The Boys On My Door



Morning 10:00 am.

(Author's pov)

(Y/n was in her room with Sehun feeding him breakfast,Yugyeom was in the hall fully aware and prepared to face any hazard but sometimes Danger painted itself in the face of safety so nobody can recognise it.... Need an example?? Okay here it is,See Yugyeom someone is knocking on the door...)


(Someone pressed the doorbell and the maid came in front and opened it. Yugyeom walked towards the gate and recognised the 5'8 ft. young,glass skin,pitch black hair matching with his three piece suit-wearing person. He raised his head and contact with Yugyeom's orbs with side smirk on his face and the good thing is Yugyeom is known with him)

 He raised his head and contact with Yugyeom's orbs with side smirk on his face and the good thing is Yugyeom is known with him)

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Yugyeom- Annyeonghaseyo Min Yoongi shi! How are you? Please come in. (He bowed, leaned his upper body and politely gestured him to come inside)

Yoongi- (he tucked his palms inside front pants pockets and took slow footsteps inside house with same sarcastic expression)

Yoongi- I am good Yugyeom, how are you? Long time no see.(he stood in front of Yugyeom)

Yugyeom- Lately I was giving my duties in Zürich under an actor, I returned korea last month and Mr. Kim Taehyung hired me as her wife's escort. By the way, why are you here Sir?( he asked politely)

Yoongi- Actually.....(he was sentencing something when a female voice reverberate and caught his all sense)

Y/n- Yugyeom! Send him ...( She sneaked out from bedroom and expecting Seokjin along his brother but she paused when her mouth when she saw Yoongi down there staring intensely inside her soul)

Y/n- Mr. Min! Hello! How are you?(she came down the stairs and greeted him)

Yoongi- (he moved his foots at her level and again lost in her hazel orbs) Hello Darl.. (Stutter) Hello Mrs. Y/n,how are you?(he shaked hands with her)

Y/n- I am good Mr. Min.. (She answered him in polite way but a sense of confusion and uncomfort trailed in her mind)

Yoongi- I saw you today.... Talking with you now I can say I am absolutely fine.(chuckle)

Y/n- (her brows furrowed and a forced grin appeared) But Taehyung is still in Seoul he is not here Mr. Min I am sorry I think you should confirm it before visiting here.(she said in 'get out of here' manner)

Her Sweet But Psycho Husband(JJK)(Series2)Where stories live. Discover now