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Jungkook Pov.

I was laying on a couch with some chips, scrolling through Netflix series. I sigh as I don't find any interesting ones. Or maybe I'm just too bored to start a new one.

I look at taetae climbing on me, peppering my face with kisses and smooches. I boop his nose when he giggles. I smile at him. "Koo" He calls and I look at him, giving him my full attention "hungy" He says while pouting and pointing at his stomach.

I smile softly and pick him up, walking to the kitchen, setting taetae on the kitchen island, pecking his cheek once. "Hmm, what does my taetae wanna eat?" I ask as I get my frying pan out. Knowing very well what he's gonna ask me to make him. "Pasta! Pasta! Spagechi!" "It's spaghetti baby" I chuckle a little at his pouty face.

I was cooking, it was almost done. I was getting the cooked noodles in a plate when "RAWR" I hear V roar at me.

And me being a pussy cat too, I scream with him. "Ah!!!" *thwap* I accidentally spill all of the noodles at V and hiss in pain when I look at V's face covered in noodles.

"V-V? Are-are you okay?" I ask as I move closer and try getting the noodles out of his face. I see Tae laughing out loudly when I awkwardly tug a few strands of noodle behind V's ear. To clear it away from his face.

I give him a sheepish smile and blink a few times. I yelp out loud when he grabs me by my waist and pulls me closer. I can feel something wet on my neck and when I realize it, V's done sucking a hickey on my neck. I gasp but he just smirks. He's so evil! I pout, "that's not good V!" I scolded but his smirk just widened. He leaned closer and closed until our breaths were mixed. I failed to catch the curious look on taetae, starring at us with wide blown eyes.

He filled the gap by pressing his soft lips on mine. Though it's been really long, like REALLY long since I've kissed someone, I still know how to kiss.... Or so I thought...

V pulled out suddenly and let out a chuckle "koo doesn't know how to kiss?" And he walks away laughing. My pout hardens, I can kiss!


I sit on the dining table with taetae. I pout starring into space while thinking about how V laughed at me. I'm suddenly taken out from my string of thoughts by a fork full of spaghetti tugging at my lips. I look at taetae pout sadly while holding the fork. "Koo, don't be sad... Taetae will share his spagechi with koo!" He says trying to make me smile.

I smile a little and take a bite.

I see taetae smile and eat more of his spaghetti.

I'll show V how good of a kisser I can be! I'm gonna show him!

I stand up and brisk walk towards V's room. I sneak into the room, silently closing the door behind.

"So sneaky are we?" I jump at the deep voice. I look at him, straighten my back and look him in the eyes. "I can kiss!"

He raises a brow at me, "oh really?"

No one pov.

V pins jungkook on the door. Both hands held in one, above koo's head. V watches as koo squirms a bit, moving closer and closer. "Show me if you can kiss properly-" But he gets cut off by koo pressing his lips agains v's.

They kiss, koo's head tilting and letting V take the lead. V wastes no time in using his other free hand to grope koo's plump ass. Just as koo let's out a moan and V letting his tongue in to feel the other's hot wet cavern... *knock knock*

They both hear Taetae whine "kooooooo..... The Spagechi over! Give taetae more please..." V sigh as koo wiggle out of the hard grip of V.

Koo opens the door and met with Taetae's big pout. "More spagechi!" He demands with showing the empty plate.

Koo awkwardly takes the plate and uses it to cover his boner and waddles up to kitchen.

"Can't you let me have little fun?" V says grumpily to Taetae who looks confused at V.

"Why? What did Taetae do now?!" "You did a lot-" "No Taetae didn't!" "Can't you let me rail Koo peacefully?" "What's that?"

V sighs. His little brother is innocent. "Nothing" "But Taetae-" "Taetae, you're too little to know about it" Taetae pouts and stomps his foot on the wooden floor.

He stomps his way to the kitchen.

If V hyungie refuses to tell me! Then I will ask Koo!
Taetae thinks.


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